Medieval West Africa

  • Jan 1, 1312

    Mansa Musa's father

    In thisyear Mans Musa had succeed hi father, Abu Bakr II, t thethroneadthen gained herdit title of Mansa.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1324 to Jan 1, 1325

    Mansa Musa's pilgrimage to Mecca

    Musa made his pilgrimage between 1324–1325. His procession reportedly included over a hundred men, including over a hunderd slaves who each carried four pounds of gold bars and heralds dressed in silks who bore gold staffs, organized horses, and handled bags. Musa provided all necessities for the procession, feeding the entire company of men and animals.
  • Jan 1, 1325

    Mansa Musa's Death

    The death date of Mansa Musa is highly debated among modern historians and the Arab scholars who recorded the history of Mali.Other records declare Musa planned to abdicate the throne to his son Maghan, but he died soon after he returned from Mecca in 1325. According to an account by Ibn-Khaldun, Mansa Musa was alive when the city of Tlemcen in Algeria was conquered in 1337, as he sent a representative to Algeria to congratulate the conquerors on their victory
  • Jan 1, 1339

    Mansa Musa becoming the al-hajj

    Mansa Musa's completion of the pilgrimage gave hm te name al-hajj, it also tougt hm about othadox Islam adreturned wit a laredisir o reform Islam.
  • Period: Oct 19, 1352 to Oct 20, 1353

    Mansa Muna's tiles

    Mansa Musa develop the diplomatic tiles with the North African sates and then made the growth of the trans-Saharan.