Mansa Musa: 10th emperor of the Mali Empire

  • Sep 11, 1280

    Mansa Musa's Birth

    -Mansa Musa was born
    -Mom, father, and Mansa Musa are involved
    -Mansa Musa was born September 11th in 1280
    -It is signicant because it starts the time on Mansa Musa
  • Sep 28, 1312

    Mansa Musa becomes king!

    -People of Mali and Mansa Musa are invovled
    -Mansa Musa is crowned king of the Mali Empire
    -It is signicant because he succeeded his father, Abu Bakr II to the throne
  • Jul 11, 1324

    The Pilgrimage

    -Mansa Musa's slaves, Mansa Musa, and the people of Mali are involved
    -in 1324, Mansa Musa began his pilgrimage
    -It is signifcant because it starts the rule of Mansa Musa's journey
  • Sep 11, 1325

    The assessment

    -Mansa Musa's salves and Mansa Musa are involved
    -Mansa Musa goes out to do an assessment
    -It is significant because it starts some rivalry between other countries
  • Sep 11, 1337

    Mansa Musa's Death

    -The people of Mali Empire, Mansa Musa, fellow slaves and friends of Mansa Musa are involved
    In 1337, Mansa Musa passed away
    -It is significant because it ends the journey of Mansa Musa