Born in Pelal
Foerster & M. , p.22 and Tomo I, p. XX -
Period: to
Born in Peral
Period: to
Primary schooling
Primary schooling - 'escuela elemental rejentada por Manuel Neculman' -
Period: to
Secondary education
Secondary education - Liceo de Temuco -
Period: to
Teacher training
Teacher training - Escuela Normal de Chillan -
Foundation of the Ateneo de Temuco
Period: to
Employed as teacher
Founded Sociedad Caupolican (August 16)
Founded Sociedad Caupolican. -
Period: to
Founded Sociedad Caupolican
Founded Sociedad Caupolican (August 16) -
Publication of Manquilef's Comentarios Vol. I
Publication of Manquilef's Comentarios Vol. I in Anales de la Universidad de Chile. -
Publication of Manquilef's Comentarios Vol. II
Publication of Manquilef's Comentarios Vol. II in Anales de la Universidad de Chile. -
Period: to
President of Sociedad Caupolican
Lunch in Archbishop's Palace
Palacio arzobispal, Santiago. Names of People and Relationship:
Archbishop ------ Host Fellow invitee at lunch:
Cacique Catrileo
Ventura Blanco
Dario Urzua
R. Silva Cortes
Manuel A. Roman
Martin Rucker
Estanislau Fabres
Augustin Moran -
Congreso Católico Araucanista
Congreso Católico Araucanista.Universidad Catolica, Santiago. Names of People and Relationship President Juan Luis Sanfuentes--- Honorary guest
Martin Gusinde ------------------ Presenter
Archbishop----------------------- Honorary guest and speaker
Ramon Subercaseaux -------------- President of the Congress and speaker Fellow presenter:
P. Cifuentes
Aurelio Diaz Meza
Clemente Barahona Vega
R.P. Jeronimo de Amberga
R.P. Roberto Ingros -
Elected Diputado of Partido Liberal
Period: to
Serves as Diputado of Partido Liberal
1926-1930 / Serves as Diputado of Partido Liberal, and on the Comisión Permanente de Educación Pública and the Comisión Permanente de Agricultura y Colonización 1930-1932 / Serves as Diputado of Partido Liberal -
Elected Governor of Lautaro
Period: to
Governor of Lautaro
Died June 12