Manny/JoJo Florida

  • 12,000 BCE

    Florida's beginning

    Florida's beginning
    The first people move into Florida. Referred to today as Palestinians, they moved into the peninsula in search of new food sources. These sources included mastodons, giant armadillos and horses. At that time, the end of the last ice Age, Florida was twice the size it is today.
  • Period: 12,000 BCE to 1200

    Florida's Culture

    Different cultures such as the Woodland culture, the PaleoIndian culture, and the Mississippian culture.
  • 1492

    Christopher Columbus first arrives

    Christopher Columbus first arrives
    Italian explorer Christopher Columbus, sailing in the employ of Spain en route to India, accidentally lands in North America. Results in wide-spread European exploration and colonization of the "New World." He also made the Native Americans seperate into 3 different tribes in 1500
  • Period: 1513 to 1567

    Spanish exploration

    More spanish explorers travel to Florida as well as other states.
  • 1565

    Spanish colony versus the French

    Spanish colony versus the French
    Spain established St. Augustine, the first permanent European settlement in North America, located within Timucua territory. In the process, the Spanish expelled the French.
  • 1581


    The first African slaves were brought to St. Augustine.
  • Period: to

    The Spanish period

    The Franciscans take over the Spanish missions, eventually establishing over 100 missions in Florida and Georgia.Missions established in Apalachee territory.Timucua peoples rebel against Spanish authority; Mission San Luis established in what is today Tallahassee.Castillo de San Marcos built by Spanish in St. Augustine, using native and slave labor.Pensacola established by the Spanish.The English destroy the Spanish missions.Free black settlement, Fort Mose, established.
  • The end of the French and Indian.

    The end of the French and Indian.
    The end of the French and Indian (Seven Years War) results in the transfer of Florida from Spain to England. The colony was divided into East and West Florida. British colonist expanded Florida agriculture, especially cotton, rice, and indigo. St. Augustine remains the capital of East Florida, with Pensacola the capital of West Florida. James Grant appointed Governor of British Florida.
  • Period: to


    England takes control of Florida until the Spanish takes it back from them.
  • Period: to

    Florida converts to the US

    The Spanish take control of Florida again until people force the US to take control of them giving them freedom
  • Period: to

    Current Florida

    Florida becomes advanced and now is a US state with freedom and by time developed to what it is today!