Manifest Destiny timeline

  • Texas Revolution build up

    Texas Revolution build up
    Stephen F. Austin travels to Mexico City to persuade the new Mexican government to let him start a colony. The Mexican government says the people have to be Mexican citizens and Roman Catholic. The settlers were called the old 300.
  • Period: to

    Texas Revolution

  • Period: to

    Texas Revolution

  • tensions rise

    tensions rise
    Tensions rose as Americans where unhappy that offical documents were written in Spanish.
  • Tensions rise

    Tensions rise
    Slave owners became angry when Mexico outlawed slavey in
  • tensions rise

    tensions rise
    Austin persuades the Mexicans to let slave owners keep there slaves.
  • Texas Revolution buid up

    Texas Revolution buid up
    By 1830 the poupulation had swelled to about 18,000 . Out numbering the Tejanos six to one.
  • Tensions rise

    Tensions rise
    The Mexicans found it hard to live with Americans because we thought we were better then them.
  • Tensinos rise

    Tensinos rise
    Americans were unwilling to follow to Mexican laws and added to already buiding tension.
  • Tensions rise

    Tensions rise
    Mexico responds to threats of revolution by cracking down on Americans freedom.
  • Tensions rise

    Tensions rise
    The Mexican government stops imgration and has Americans pay taxes for the first time.
  • Tensions rise

    Tensions rise
    To enforce the laws Mexico sends more troops to Texas.
  • Bear attack

    At the age of 22 Jedediah smith was attacked by a bear on a scavnge
  • War begins

    War begins
    Americans start to revolt and protest against the Tejanos.
  • War has started

    War has started
    Austin remains loyal to Texas and requsted that Texas become a self governing state.
  • Reforms

    Mexican preisdent General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna agreed to most of the reforms. But a letter states that if Austin's requests weren't met he whoud support breaking away.
  • unfairness

    Mexico said that his letter was rebellion and jailed Austin for almost a year.
  • WAR

    Angry Americans were ready to rebel and take over Texas.
  • Fight for the Alamo

    Fight for the Alamo
    Mexicans surround the Alamo and attack. The attack went on for twelve violent days.
  • Fight for the Alamo

    Fight for the Alamo
    The Americans surrender with a cannon shot and the Alamo is in flames.
  • The ambush of Santa Anna

    The ambush of Santa Anna
    The Americans run at Santa Anna yelling remember the Alamo!!!! and remember Goliad!!!!. Americans killed more the half of Santa Anna's troops in eightteen minutes.
  • Slavery

    Texas would later allow slavery and upset the balance between free and slave states.