Mandy's Timeline

  • Born

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    Flower Mound Elementary School

    Got involved in softball, soccer, volleyball, and basketball. My parents encouraged me in sports a lot.
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    MacArthur Middle School

    Started playing competitive travel softball and got into leadership activities.
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    Toxic Relationship

    I was in a toxic relationship off and on until my senior year of high schoool. It was very manipulative and destructive.
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    MacArthur Highschool

    I quit playing sports and invested the majority of my time into leadership roles like Student Council, Key Club, and National Honor Society.
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    Chronic Anxiety

    I started struggling with chronic anxiety.
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    Surrounded by Bad Influences

    I started hanging out in the wrong crowd and was pressured into drinking and smoking weed.
  • Started following Christ

    There was a night my friends and I took edibles and it made me super anxious. After that night I realized how much I needed Jesus and decided to start following him.
  • Awarded PLC at UCO

    I was awarded the PLC scholarship at UCO and decided to come to school here to pursue a career in Speech Pathology.
  • Graduated Highschool

  • Joined Alpha Gamma Delta

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    I attended a 9 week long discipleship program through Student Mobilization. I learned how to walk with God and make disciples for a life time.
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    Friend Group

    I met my favorite people ever in this period of my life. These people push me closer to Jesus and make me laugh.
  • Mary

    My best friend moved to India to do overseas ministry.
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    COVID 19

    I moved back home because of COVID-19. Sad time.
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    KALEO Online

    Participated in KALEO online because of COVID-19.
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    Internship with Student Mobilization at KALEO

    I went back to KALEO on Staff for the summer. I also led a d group of women and helped them pursue a relationship with Jesus.
  • Brady

    I started dating Brady.
  • Broke up with Brady

    We broke up because we didn't feel ready for marriage.
  • Brady

    Me and Brady got back together.
  • Started Pre Engagement

    Me and Brady are in pre engagement right now and looking to pursue marriage and a career in ministry.