Amanda Jean Bratton has been born!
At 11:46 PM on a Sunday, I was born. I was 7 pounds and 12 ounces, 21 inches long at CJW Medical Center in Chesterfield, Virginia. I have a cut on my forehead because I got 'stuck' and my doctor had to pull me out using something similar to a suction cup. -
Period: to
Life I have lived so far.
Baby's First Thanksgiving :)
My baby cousin Bonnie (in backround) was not even a month old for her first thanksgiving. My Uncle, who had hair at the time, and my cousin Jake. I made an attempt at eating at the table at my young age. I was just under 5 monthes old at the time -
Baby's frist Christmas
My mom (Pictured) Had not been able to afford a lot of luxeries my first few years of life, so we spent my frist few christmas's at my Nanas house.
Pictured is my first xmas, I'm obviously overjoyed at the plastic horse swing I got. -
It was the fall, and I obviously was very happy, whereever I was. I was also very messy with my food. I grew up very slow, so I look younger than I was. -
Chubby Baby
I think I was at my Great Grandmothers house. The person that is holding me is her daughter, my Nana. I had grown very fat after I turned 1 that past Juner. -
two years old and I was still aloud to make HUGE messes. My nana was the one who was usually 'in charge' (wanted to) take my pictures, and most of the time, I was covered in food. -
At the park with my moms 2nd husband. I was obviously warm natured and not used to fall weather, compared to my (Previous) Step-father -
5th grade
These were my first pair of glasses, along with an awkward smile. This was taken a few months before I moved to Henrico -
I did ROTC as a Sophomore at Hermitage High School. I was able to got to Parris Island as well, having to go to the Emergency room and making it everybody's highlight for the entire four and a half days we were down there. -
I still wasen't used to wearing glasses, so I didn't wear them often. Even after I moved to Henrico, I still went to Chesterfield 3 times a week to play soccer. It took over a half hour to take this picture, because my shoulders were too stiff.