Changed his surname X
Malcolm X Changed his surname in 1952 from Little to X, to remove himself from the racism tied to his name and become "anonymous" and detached. -
Shared his critical views on non-violent protests
Malcom X felt as though non-violent protests were not getting the message across. He then lead his followers to partake in more psychical and violent type protests. -
Shifted focus from Southern racism to work conditions in the North
Malcolm X was focused on complete black equality and unity, and knew had to turn his attention to the poor conditions the blacks were suffering from in the north. The working conditions in north were very poor and was leading to forms of oppressions. -
Attempted to create unity between races no matter the social class
One of X's big goals was to create unity between all races. As he tried to do that, he knew the oppression would turn to the social classes, so he was also trying to fix social class injustice. -
Malcolm X meets with Fidel Castro
Malcolm X met with Cuban leader Fidel Castro because Castro was interested in the ideology and ideas of X. -
Gained power, support, and influenced while joining the Nation of Islam
As a new member of the Nation of Islam, X had quickly gained support and influenced many people of the group to follow is beliefs. -
Forms OAAU
Malcolm X formed the Organization of Afro-American Unity (OAAU). "The purpose of the OAAU was to fight for the human rights of African Americans and promote cooperation among Africans and people of African descent in the Americas." -
Malcolm X and MLK meet and work together
MLK, one of, if not the largest name in the Civil Rights movement, had inspired Malcolm X. Once hearing of the name X had made for himself, asked to work with him in the way of Civil Rights. -
Inspired a generation to resist racism "by any means necessary"
Malcolm X gave this speech to strike fire, and liven the oppression of blacks and wanted them to do all they could to break free of the grip of racism. -
Malcolm X is assassinated
Malcolm X was assassinated a Civil Rights demonstration. It can be assumed that people were enraged with his previous statements regarding the assassination of President Kennedy.