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Malcom X’s

  • Malcolm x was born on May 19, 1925

    Malcolm x was born on May 19, 1925
  • Earl Little ( Malcolm’s dad)is found dead on September 28, 1931 when Malcolm was 6 years old. His mother took his 7 children

    Earl Little ( Malcolm’s dad)is found dead on September 28, 1931 when Malcolm was 6 years old. His mother took his 7 children
  • His Mother (Louise Little) was placed in a Mental hospital in 1938 because she can’t stand the pressure of seeing her son being adopted

  • 1946 Malcom is sentenced to 8-10 years of arrested for drug trafficking; serves 6 years at Charlestown, State Prison.

  • 1948 Converts to the Nation of Islam while in prison

  • Appointed assistant minister of Temple Number One

  • met Betty DeanSander in Islamic nation who would become his wife

  • Married with his wife and had 6 daughters

  • Dies at age 39 in New York