Malcom gov 27 amendments

  • 1-10 Amendments ratified

    1—Religion, speech, assembly, 2—Bear arms
    3—Quartering soldiers, 4—Searches and seizures

    5—Rights of persons, 6—Rights of accused
    7—Civil trials, 8—Punishment for crime 9—Unenumerated rights, 10—Reserved powers
  • Period: to


  • 11th Amendment ratified

    11—Suits against states
  • 12th Amendment ratified

    12—Election of Pres. & Vice Pres.
  • 13th Amendment ratified

  • 14th Amendment ratified

    14—Rights guaranteed
  • 15th Amendment ratified

    15—Right to vote
  • 16th Amendment ratified

    16—Income tax
  • 17th Amendment ratified

    17—Pop. election of Senators
  • 18th Amendment ratified

  • 19th Amendment ratified

    19—Women's suffrage
  • 20th Amendment ratified

    20—Commencement of terms
  • 21st Amendment ratified

    21—Repeal of prohibition
  • 22nd Amendment ratified

    22—Presidential tenure
  • 23rd Amendment ratified

    23—Pres. electors for D.C.
  • 24th Amendment ratified

    24—Abolition of poll taxes
  • 25th Amendment ratified

    25—Pres. vacancy, disability
  • 26th Amendment ratified

    26—18-year-old vote
  • 27th Amendment ratified

    27—Congressional salaries