Malcom 27 Amendments

  • 1st-10th Amendments

    Bill of Rights
  • 11th Amendment

  • 12th Amendment

    Presidential election procedure
  • 13th Amendment

    Slaves free
  • 14th Amendment

    Slaves citizens
  • 15th Amendment

    "Slaves" vote
  • 17th amendment

    Election of senators
  • 16th Amendment

    Income Tax
  • 18th Amendment

  • 19th Amendment

    Womens Sufferage
  • 20th Amendment

    Lame duck
  • 21st Amendment

    Removal of the 18th
  • 22nd Amendment

    two terms
  • 23rd Amendment

    Electorial college for washington
  • 24th

    No removal of voting rights based on poll tax
  • 25th

  • 26th

  • 27th amendment