Malcolm X Timeline

  • Birth

    Malcolm X was born in University Hospital in Omaha, Nebraska
  • Period: to


  • Reginald

    Malcolm's brother, Reginald is born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin
  • Earn Little

    Malcolm's father Earn Little got run over by a street car and died
  • Period: to


  • High School

    Enrolled in West Junior High School
  • Malcolm Wants to be a Lawyer

    In eighth grade, Malcolm's teacher asked him what he wants to be when he grows up, and he said a lawyer
  • Ella Collins

    Ella Collins
    Malcolm goes to Boston to visit his half-sister, Ella Collins and lives there.
  • Criminal World

    Malcolm gets jobs. After that he gets exposed to the criminal world.
  • Harlem

    Malcolm moves to Harlem, New York and gets involved in criminal activities.
  • Suspended Sentence

    He goes back to Boston and gets a 3 month suspended sentence and one year probation
  • Prison

    He is convicted of breaking and entering a place with a weapon. Goes to prison from 8-10 years.
  • Education

    In the prison, Malcolm reads a lot of books to educate himself.
  • Period: to

    Prison Life

  • Nation of Islam

    He gets influenced by Elijah Muhammad and converts to Nation of Islam.
  • Great Library

    Gets transferred to prison in Massachusetts where there is a great library.
  • Released

    Malcolm gets released from prison after 6 years.
  • Period: to


  • Married

    Marries Betty Sanders, and their first child and daughter is born, Attallah.
  • Second Daughter

    Malcolm's second daughter is born, Qubilah.
  • Elijah Muhammad

    Elijah Muhammad
    Malcolm discovers that Elijah Muhammad is an adulterer.
  • Third Daughter

    Malcolm's third daughter is born, Ilyasah.
  • Alex Haley

    Alex Haley
    Malcolm begins collaboration on his autobiography with Alex Haley.
  • Muhammad Ali

    Muhammad Ali
    Malcolm visits Muhammad Ali for a week.
  • MLK Jr.

    MLK Jr.
    Malcolm visits Martin Luther King Jr. for the first and only time.
  • Breaks Away

    Malcolm breaks away from the nation of Islam.
  • Travel

    He travels to Makkah and Africa
  • Beauty of Humanity

    Beauty of Humanity
    In Makkah, Malcolm sees the beauty and unity of humanity.
  • Back to the States

    Back to the States
    Malcolm goes back to the U.S. and thinks differently about white people.
  • Returns to Africa

    Returns to Africa
    Malcolm returns to Africa and meets with African leaders.
  • Fourth Daughter

    Malcolm's fourth daughter is born, Gamilah
  • House is Bombed

    House is Bombed
    Malcolm's house is firebombed.
  • Dead

    Right after beginning an address at the Audubon Ballroom, at 3:10 p.m, he is shot several times. Later he is pronounced dead at Columbia Hospital.