Period: to
Early Life
Malcolm Little was born in Omaha
His father, Earl was run over by a street car and was killed
Malcolm's mother, Louise Little, is institutionalized at a mental hospital
Malcolm tells teacher he wants to become a lawyer, but she said that is not a realistic for a "n word"
Period: to
Criminal Life
Becomes a waiter at Small's Paradise
The U.S. Army finds him unsuitable for the service on account of mental problems (apparently, he behaved that way on purpose, in order to avoid the draft)
Goes to jail for larceny
Period: to
Nation of Islam
Hears about Elijah Muhammad and converts to the Nation of Islam
Moves to Massachusetts jail for good behavior and starts reading as many books as he can there
Meets Elijah Muhammad
Becomes minister of Nation of Islam temple
Gets married to Betty Sanders
First daughter, Attallah, is born
His second daughtert, Qubilah, is born
Finds out about Elijah Muhammad (how he committed adultery)
His third daughter, Ilyassah, is born
Meets Matin Luther King for the first time
Breaks away from Nation of Islam
Forms Muslim Mosque Inc.
Period: to
Goes to Makkah for Hajj, sees how nice everyone is, and embraces the true Islam. When he comes back, he has a different view on white people.
His fourth daughter, Gamilah, is born
His house gets bombed
He is shot several times while giving a speech at 3:10 PM
Period: to
After his death
His twin daughters, Malaak and Malikah, are born
Betty Shabaaz, Malcolm X's wife, dies in a fire purposely set by her grandson, Malcolm (named after Malcolm X)