Malcolm X was born.
"When my mother was pregnant with me, she told me later, a party of hooded Klu Klux Klan riders galloped up to our home... Brandishing their shotguns and rifles, they shouted for my father to come out." Malcolm X -
The Legion burned down Malcolm's Lansing, Michigan House.
The Legion is a white supremesists group. -
Malcolm X graduated from his Junior High School at the top of his class but dropped out.
Malcolm dropped out because one of his favorite teachers told him that his goal of being a lawyer was "no realistic goal for a nigger," -
Malcolm moved around after dropping out of school.
Malcolm went from Michigan to Boston, Massacheusetts, from Boston to Harlem, New York and that is where he stayed for a while. -
Malcolm X was committed to a life of crime.
Malcolm was in charge of moving all kinds of narcotics, prostitution and gambling rings. -
Malcolm and his friend, Malcolm "Shorty" Jarvis, moved back to Boston.
The exact date was never given. -
Malcolm and Shorty were convicted of burglary charges.
Malcolm was sent to 10 years in prison but was paroled after seven. -
Malcolm used his time on parole to further his education.
During this time Malcolm's brother would talk to him about a life changing topic. -
Malcolm's brother, Reginald, told Malcolm about the rligion of Islam.
Malcolm was fascinated about the relighion and began studying it. -
During Malcolm's parole he was already a devoted Muslim
Malcolm chose his surname to be "X" because he considered "Little", his former last name, to be a slave name. -
Period: to
Malcolm Served as the spokesperson for the NOI, Nation of Islam.
Malcolm was credited for the huge increase in members from starting at 500 in 1952 when he started, to 30,000 members in 1963. -
Malcolm became a media magnet, especially after he went on a week-long special with Mike Wallace called "The Hate That Hate Produced"
The program explained what the NOI is. -
The FBI had infiltrated the NOI and disguised agents as members and one even acted as Malcolm's bodyguard.
The FBI planted bugs and cameras and wires in Malcolm's residency. -
Malcolm terminated his relationship with the NOI.
Malcolm left the NOI because of his discoveriesabout his mentor, Elijah Muhammad, had sexual affairs with six other women, some even resulted in children. -
Malcolm's visit to Mecca that was life altering.
This pilgrimage proved to be life altering because of how Malcom could exchange his beliefs with different cultures. -
Malcolm X is assassinated.
Malcolm X was giving a speech in Manhattan's Audubon Ballroom when 3 gunman rushed up to him and shot him 15 time at close range.