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Malala Yousafzai di Matteo Scandurra

  • Birth of Malala

    Birth of Malala
    I was born in Mingora, Pakistan on July 12, 1997.
    Welcoming a child is not always a reason to celebrate in Pakistan
  • The Taliban came to the land of Malala

    The Taliban came to the land of Malala
    The Taliban took over the city in Swat Valley. Extremists have banned many things - such as owning a television set and playing music - and imposed harsh punishments on those who disobeyed their orders. And they said the girls couldn’t go to school anymore.
  • Malala gives a speech

    Malala gives a speech
    Malala holds his first discourse.
  • Malala creates a blog

    Malala creates a blog
    Malala realizes a blog who speak the conditions of life in Pakistan
  • Nobel Prize For The Peace

    Nobel Prize For The Peace
    Malala win the Nobel Prize For The Peace.
  • a Taliban shoots Malala

    a Taliban shoots Malala
    Malala was shot in head from a armed man, maybe a taleban.
  • The second Nobel Prize For The Peace

    The second Nobel Prize For The Peace
    After recovering, after two years, Malala win his second Nobel Prize For The Peace.
  • University of Oxford

    University of Oxford
    Malala signs up in the University of Oxford, where studying Philosophy.
  • The graduation

    The graduation
    Malala graduated from Oxford University in Political Philosophy.
  • The marriage

    The marriage
    Malala marries with Asser Malik.