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Malala Yousafzai

  • Malala is Born

    Malala Yousafzai is Born on July 12, 1997 under parents Ziauddin Yousafzai and Toor Pekai Yousafzai in Swat Valley, Pakistan . For a couple of years, Her hometown was a popular tourist place, before the Taliban started to take control
  • The Taliban take Over Pakistan

    When Malala was only Ten, the Taliban took control of her Hometown. Girls are now banned from almost everything.
  • Malala gives her first speech

    When Malala was 11, she gave her first speech in front of the Press Club of Peshawar
  • The Taliban stop joking around

    The Taliban burn more than 100 girls schools, and than ban girls from going to school, but than Malala makes another article under the name Gul Makai, and spoke out on a radio of the Taliban preventing girls to get education.
  • The Pakistani War is coming

    As the Taliban takes more control of Pakistan, Malala and her family prepare for the battle the Taliban are having against the Pakistan
  • Malala starts writing blogs about living under the Taliban rule

    A BBC reporter Asks Malala's Father if he knows who is writing blogs about living under the Taliban rule, and how much suffering it was
  • Malala gets shot by the taliban

    On Malala's way/or from school, the Taliban stop the bus and enter. They ask the passengers "Which one of you is Malala". Eventually, they found her, and shot her on her left temple
  • Malala meets the Queen of England

    Malala meets Queen Elizabeth II at Bukingham Palace, and talks to the Queen about the importance of Education
  • Malala meets Barack Obama (while he was still president

    In the Same Year, Malala is invited to the Oval office to talk to Barack Obama. Obama, Michelle, and his daughter Malia congratulate Malala on winning the Nobel Peace prize.
  • Malala gives her first speech after her near death

    A couple months after Malala recovers from getting shot at, she speaks in front of the USGA (UNITED STATES GENERAL ASSEMBLY), which she explains about the importance of Universal Education
  • Malala wins the Nobel Peace prize

    The exact same year, Malala and this other girl, KAILASH SATYARTHI(who wants to stop Child Slavery) won the Nobel Peace Prize
  • The 10 attackers from the Shura militant group are arrested for shooting Malala

    A year or 2 after the Gunman's almost killed Malala, they were later arrested for such a heinous crime
  • Malala gets the World Children's Prize

    Malala wins the World Children's prize award, and than donated $50,000 to help rebuild more than 50 schools in Gaza
  • Malala opens her own school

    Malala creates a school for Sryian refugees in Lebanons Bella Valley
  • Malala gets a movie about her life

    On October 22, A movie named "He named me Malala" is released worldwide, and talks about Malala and how she was the world's youngest inspirational girl.