Malala yousafzai si e laureata 1592814117

Malala Yousafzai Alice Ciavola 3D

  • Malala birth

    Malala birth
    On 12th July 1997 Malala was born in a small town in Pakistan: Mingora.
  • Last day of school

    Malala left the school at 11 years old in January 2008 when the Taliban took control of her small town. And they said girls could no longer go to school
  • The blog

    The blog
    In 2009 Malala wrote her first blog where she talked about the life under the Taliban
  • "who is Malala?"

    "who is Malala?"
    In 2012, Malala was shot in the head by a Taliban for her protest for girls education
  • The nobel prize

    The nobel prize
    On 10th October 2014 Malala received the Nobel Prize for the peace. She became the youngest winner of a Nobel Price
  • Graduation time

    Graduation time
    In 2020 she graduated from Oxford school
  • Malala today

    Malala today
    Now Malala works as General Manager and she married with Asser Malik