Malala Yousafazai

By 1700028
  • Taliban

    Taliban Came to Swat Valley
  • Taliban

    Taliban came to Swat Valley, Pakistan.
  • Born

    Malala was born in Swat Valley, Pakistan
  • Born

    Malala was born in Swat Valley, Pakistan.
  • Strict Rules

    Taliban made strict rules: no TV, no music, no education for girls.
  • First Speech

    First Speech
    Malala had her first speech about the rights of girls education.
  • Blogging

    Malala start blogging because there are lot of unfair things. Malala did not use her real name because Taliban can Find Out.
  • Closed Schools

    Closed Schools
    Taliban shut downed more than 100 schools in Swat Valley.
  • Nobel Peace Prize

    Nobel Peace Prize
    Malala gets a Nobel Peace Prize.
  • Attempted Murdered

    A Taliban found out where Malala is and he shot Malala.
  • Open School in Gaza

    Malala first opened a school in Gaza.
  • Open School in Lebanon

    Malala opened schools for Syrian Refugees in Lebanon.