
Malala Timeline

By yosi23
  • Date of birth

    Date of birth
    Malala was born in Mingora, Pakistan and she was named after a heroine named Malalai of Maiwand
  • 9/11 Attack

    9/11 Attack
    The attacks what happened on 9/11 didn't only affect the U.S but it also affected Pakistan and Afghanistan. Some people considered him a hero and others said it was a horrible thing that he planned those attacks.
  • The Talibans arrival

    The Talibans arrival
    The Taliban had arrived in Swat and wanted to get rid of things like tv or girls education
  • The earthquake

    The earthquake
    One of the worst earthquakes to hit but Mingora was very lucky because only a few buildings had collapsed in their town but unfortunately it wasn't like that for others
  • Malala's first interview

    Malala's first interview
    Malala had her first interview and went on a talk show to talk about how the Taliban was trying to take away their rights of education.
  • Diary of Gul Makai

    Diary of Gul Makai
    Malala started her diary about how life had been under the Taliban and after the diary had came out the taliban demanded to shut down the girls school
  • Becoming IDP's

    Becoming IDP's
    Malala and her family had become Internationally displaced people
  • National Peace Prize

    National Peace Prize
    Malala was awarded the National Peace Prize, it highlighted what she voiced towards girls education
  • Shot by the Taliban

    Shot by the Taliban
    Malala was on her way home from school when the bus she was on had been stopped by the Taliban and shot in the head
  • Nobel Peace Prize

    Nobel Peace Prize
    Malala was awarded with the Nobel Peace Prize and became the youngest person to ever receive it