Malala's life

  • malala born

    malala was born in mingora in 1997
  • Earthquake in the swat valley

    The one in octuber 2005 was worse than all the others.Noting terrible happened in mingora,but in other pleaces in and around swat valley 75.000 people died
  • Pakistani Army

    When Malala was ten, the pakistani Army arrived in Mingora.
  • The law of the taliban

    At the end of 2008, the taliban said, "From january the 15th, there are going to be no girls at the school. Follow this law, or your girls are goig to die
  • Taliban and Pakistan army agreed to end the war

    Malala was very happy when, after six weeks away from school, the taliban and the pakistan army agreed to end the war.
    Girl´s eduation was part of the peace agreement, and girl´s schools opened again.
  • Malala write on bbc blog

    Zuaudin and his friends campaigned against this new law. They talked to politicians in islamabad and to reporters from other countries. Luckily, the BBC wanted to hel. "I can write said malala". Ziauddin and Tor pekai agreed. But don´t put your name on the blog, they said.
  • The war started again

    In may the war started again. Tor pekai deciden to take malala and the boys to her family home in the country (on Peshawar)
  • Peace Prize

    When she was fourteen, a friend ran into class one day. "You´ve a got a prize, Malala!" There wewe lots of reporters at the school, and they all wanted to talk to her.
    Malala went to Islabamad and a famous politician gave her the prize. Every year after that, there was a paece prize for a young pakistani
  • The shooting a Malala

    The Taliban board the bus that was going to school, looking for malala. When they find malala, she gets shot in the head.
    After the gunman shot her, the bus driver took her to mingora hospital
  • Malala after the shooting

    She started to wake up days after what happened. Malala was at the queen elizabeth hospital in Birmingham
  • Three months in hospital

    Malala awakes in Birmingham, she reencounters whit her family. Her left side of the face gets injured for the shooting. One day she gets two bags of letters all from over the world. The shooting was in hundreds of newspapers, a lot of people in Pakistan and the world campaign against the shooting. She has now the love of hundreds of peoples over the world, they call her the most famous teenager
  • Peace Prize

    The United Nations decided to call her birthday, July the 12th, Malala day. The next year, she won the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize. She was the younger person in the world to get a Nobel prize