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Malala project 2020

  • Malala is born !

    Malala is born !
    Malala is born in Mingora, Pakistan’s Swat Valley. She was named after a Pashtun poetess, and her name means ‘grief stricken’. She was one of 3 children in her family
  • First Speech

    First Speech
    Malala gives her first speech at the local press club in Peshawar. The speech is titled “How dare the Taliban take away my basic right to education?” and is the first glimpse at Malala’s passion towards the cause She was eleven at the time.
  • Blogs for the BBC

    Blogs for the BBC
    Abdul Hai Kakkar, a BBC reported in Pakistan, asks Malala’s father if he knows someone who would write about life under the Taliban. At this time, the Taliban is imposing their rule across the country, banning women from variety of activities including shopping and education. When the original blogger backs out, Malala takes her place.
  • Taliban issues edict against

    Taliban issues edict against
    The Taliban becomes increasing violent, blowing up over a 100 girls schools. They issued an edict that no girl would go to school after January 15, 2009. Malala writes that she continues to perpare for exams.
  • Contributes to the show Capital Talk

    Contributes to the show Capital Talk
    Malala uses the show to speak out against the Taliban’s decision to prevent women from accessing education.
  • Taliban lifts edict on women attending schools.

    Taliban lifts edict on women attending schools.
    The local Taliban leader Maulana Fazlulla announce on his FM radio station that he is lifting the ban on women’s education ; girls are allowed to attend school if they wear burquas.
  • Last blog entries

    Last blog entries
    Malala’s last few blog entries are about being back at school with her friends and papers she had submitted.
  • Leaves her home

    Leaves her home
    The second battle of Swats brings the Pakistani Army to Malala’s home. The family is separated and she is sent to live with the relatives. It’s around this time that The New York Times reporter Adam B Ellick approached Malala and her father about a documentary.
  • Nominated for international Children’s Peace Prize at age 13

    Nominated for international Children’s Peace Prize at age 13
    Malala is nominated for the international Children’s Peace Prize of KidsRights Foundation. The nomination by Archbishop Desmond Tutu reads, “Malala dared to stand up for herself and others girls and used national and international media to let the world know girls should also have the right to go to school.”
  • Attack on Malala

    Attack on Malala
    Attack on Malala makes headlines as a gunman sheets her as she rides home after taking an exam. Two other girls are also wounded in the Shootin. The reactions to attack Malala’s or a repairing across the nation and religion the Pakistani Government puts out a 005,000 reward towards the rest of the attackers.
  • I am Malala Petition

    I am Malala Petition
    Un Special Envoy for Global Education Gordon Brown starts a petition to support Malala’s dream. With the slogan “I am Malala”, the petition aimed to ensure that every child would be in school by 2015.
  • Threatened again...

    Threatened again...
    As the Novo announcement in years, the Taliban issues a new threat against Malala’s. And the telephone interview, a spokes person says that the group will try to harm Lala as long as she criticizes the effort to impose strict as lame lolll in Pakistan. October 9, 2013 will be one year since she was shot.
  • Malala awarded Nobel Prize for peace

    Malala awarded Nobel Prize for peace
    The Noble peace prize for 2014 was awarded to Pakistan Malala Yousafzai and India’s Kailash Satyarthi. The Norwegian noble committee awarded the Nobel peace prize for 2014 to Kailash Satyarthi and Malala Yousafzai for their struggle against the suppression of children and young people and right of all the children to education.