Making The Modern World

  • The first Europeans to arrive at Adventure Bay

    Abel Tasmania was the first European to map part of Tasmania naming it Vans Diemen's Land in 1642
  • beginning of the first Industrial Revolution

    the development of industry that happened in Britain in the late 18th and 19th century and brought the introduction of machinery.
  • End of the Napoleonic Wars

    he set up at a new government and he conquered most of Europe to revolutionise France.
  • The date of the shootout at Stringybark Creek

    it was the last seen of Ned Kelly before he went missing. A shootout between the police and the Kelly Gang
  • The Boxer Rebellion

    a chinese secret society known as the boxers embarked on a violent campaigne to drive all the foreigners from china
  • The date of the Battle of Bersheeba

    British Empire's Egyptian Expeditionary Force attacked and captured the Yildirim Army Group garrison at Beersheba