Making a Murderer Timeline Event

  • Making a Murderer Season 1 released

    Making a Murderer Season 1 released
    Making a Murderer Season 1 premiers on Netflix. It took 10 years to film the contents. Season 1 follows the wrongful conviction of Steven Avery's sexual assault and attempted murder of Penny Beernsten. He was later charged and convicted with the murder of Teresa Halbach
  • petition created to pardon the Avery and Dassey

    petition created to pardon the Avery and Dassey
    A petition was created on the White House petitioning site titled "investigate and pardon the Averys in Wisconsin and punish the corrupt officials who railroaded these innocent men"
  • President cannot pardon Avery and Dassey

    In response to the petition filed in December 2015 to pardon Avery and Dassey, a White House spokesperson said that since Avery and Dassey are "state prisoners", the President cannot pardon them; the pardon would have to come from a state-level authority.
  • petition created to investigate Manitowoc and Calument County sheriff offices

    petition created to investigate Manitowoc and Calument County sheriff offices
    A second petition on the White House petitioning site was created titled "initiate a federal investigation of the sheriff's offices of Manitowoc County and Calumet County, Wisconsin." The petition was archived because it did not meet the minimum signature requirements.
  • Attorney Kathleen Zellner gets involved

    Attorney Kathleen Zellner gets involved
    Attorney Kathleen Zellner takes over Steven Avery's appeals to overturn his conviction. Attorney Zellner is known for her legal work to exonerate clients.
  • Dassey's petition for habeas corpus is granted - conviction overturned

    Dassey's petition for habeas corpus is granted - conviction overturned
    Brendan Dassey's petition for writ of habeas corpus is granted by federal magistrate William Duffin (Milwaukee). It was Duffin's opinion that Dassey's constitutional rights were violated by investigators making false promises during questioning. The ruling gave prosecutors 90 days to decide whether to retry Dassey or release him.
  • Avery files motion for post-conviction scientific testing

    Attorney Zellner filed Avery's motion with the Manitowoc County Circuit Court to request for additional scientific testing
  • Prosecutors oppose Dassey's release

    Prosecutors oppose Dassey's release
    The Wisconsin state prosecutors filed documents to oppose Dassey's release, arguing it was in the interest of public safety for his conviction to be upheld and stay in prison
  • Dassey ordered to be released from prison

    Dassey ordered to be released from prison
    As the Wisconsin Department of Justice appeals the ruling that overturned Dassey's murder conviction, federal magistrate Duffin ordered Dassey to be released from prison under court-ordered supervision
  • Dassey's release blocked

    The Seventh Circuit sided with the Wisconsin Department of Justice to block Brendan Dassey's release while the case is under appeal.
  • Avery requests a new trial

    Avery requests a new trial
    Avery filed a motion to request a new trial. The post-conviction motion cited ineffective assistance of counsel, Brady violations, and affidavits of experts allegedly dunking the matter in which Halbach was killed, including alleged new evidence and ethical violates by Calumet County district attorney Ken Kratz
  • Seventh Circuit affirmed rule that overturned Dassey's conviction

    Seventh Circuit affirmed rule that overturned Dassey's conviction
    The Seventh Circuit affirmed federal magistrate Duffin's ruling that overturned Brendan Dassey's conviction.
  • Dassey remains in prison

    Dassey is ordered by the Seventh Circuit to remain in prison while the Wisconsin Department of Justice appeals the ruling
  • en banc review for Dassey

    en banc review for Dassey
    The department of justice requested en bac review with the full Seventh Circuit. The request was granted
  • Avery's request for new trial denied

    Avery's request for new trial denied
    Avery's request for a new trial is denied by Sheboygan County Judge Angela Sutkiewicz on grounds that Avery did not meet the legal standard to receive a new trial
  • Notice that Avery will appeal

    A notice is filed with the circuit court that Avery's case will be appealed to the Wisconsin Court of Appeals.
  • Avery's request for new trial rejected for second time

    Avery's request for a new trial is rejected for the second time by Sheboygan County Judge Angela Sutkiewicz
  • Dassey's conviction to be reinstated

    Dassey's conviction to be reinstated
    The Seventh Circuit majority found that Dassey's confession to Halbach's murder had not been coerced, leaving Dassey's conviction to be reinstated
  • Dassey's petition for writ of certiorari

    Dassey's petition for writ of certiorari
    A petition for a writ of certiorari is filed with the US Supreme Court asking to hear Dassey's appeal
  • Avery's case remanded to circuit court

    Avery's case remanded to circuit court
    The Wisconsin Court of Appeals remanded Avery's case to the circuit court based on the motion filed that a CD with exculpatory, material evidence was only disclosed in April and the state's failure to disclose the CD earlier violated Avery's due process rights.
  • Dassey's appeal will not be heard by Supreme Court - has to remain in prison

    Dassey's appeal will not be heard by Supreme Court - has to remain in prison
    The US Supreme Court announced it will not hear Dassey's appeal and that he will remain in prison to serve a life term.
  • Avery's motion to supplement the record with CD is denied

    Sheboygan County Judge Angela Sutkiewicz denied Avery's motion to supplement the record with the CD containing exculpatory evidence.
  • Making a Murderer Season 2 premiers on Netflix

    Making a Murderer Season 2 premiers on Netflix
    Making a Murderer Season 2 premiered on Netflix. This season explores the aftermath of Brendan Dassey's conviction and Steven Avery's numerous appeals
  • Avery's request for case to be remanded to trial court is granted

    The Wisconsin Court of Appeals granted Avery's petition requesting that the case be remanded back to trial court for an evidentiary hearing on his motion for a new trial.