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Lilly Mckay's Timeline

  • Pencil

    The modern pencil was invented in 1795 by Nicholas-Jacques Conte, a scientist serving in the army of Napoleon Bonaparte. The magic material that was so appropriate for the purpose was the form of pure carbon that we call graphite.
  • Hair Straightener

    Hair Straightener
    History. In 1872, Marcel Grateau (a Parisian) used heated rods to straighten or style hair. Simon E. Monroe patented a hair straightener in 1906 that was like a metal comb. In 1909, Issac K. Shero patented a hair straightener made of two irons that are heated and put together around the hair.
  • Automobiles

    In 1886, the automobile was invented by Karl Benz. The automobile made a huge impact on the world. It caused bad things such as car crashes and ways for people to escape in a fast matter. Automobiles also had good impacts such as being able to travel and explore. There's also the fact that people can move in a faster manner to get places they need to go, but I would have to say cars have impacted life in more bad ways than good.
  • Pen

    The first patent on a ballpoint pen was issued on October 30, 1888, to John J Loud. In 1938, László Bíró, a Hungarian newspaper editor, with the help of his brother George, a chemist, began to design new types of pens, including one with a tiny ball in its tip that was free to turn in a socket.
  • Radio

    Guglielmo Marconi: an Italian inventor, proved the feasibility of radio communication. He sent and received his first radio signal in Italy in 1895. By 1899 he flashed the first wireless signal across the English Channel and two years later received the letter "S", telegraphed from England to Newfoundland.
  • Vacuum

    In 1901 powered vacuum cleaners using suction were invented independently by British engineer Hubert Cecil Booth and American inventor David T. Kenney. Booth also may have coined the word "vacuum cleaner".
  • Makeup

    In 1915, Maurice Levy invented the metal container for lipstick, which gave license to its mass production. The Flapper style also influenced the cosmetics of the 1920s. Which embraced dark eyes and red lipstick. One thing I found from WB History of Makeup article is, " Over the centuries, women used burnt matches to darken their eyes, berries to stain their lips and young boys' urine to fade their freckles."
  • Computers

    First programmable computer. The Z1 was created by German Konrad Zuse in his parents' living room between 1936 and 1938. It is considered to be the first electromechanical binary programmable computer, and the first really functional modern computer.
  • Hair Tie

    Hair Tie
    In 1986 Rommy Revson patented the scrunchie. It was a vast improvement from the elastic rubber bands that would get stuck or tangled. These hair ties were also cute, coming in an array of colors and patterns.
  • IPhones

    On June 27, 2007, the iPhone was invented by Steve Jobs. There have been 18 different models of the iPhone. The most recent iPhone models are the XR, XS, XS max, 8 plus, and 8. I believe that these iPhones being made has a huge impact in a good way because people are capable of contacting people when needed when they can't physically go and speak to them.