Makenzee's timeline

  • Birth 07-21-1998

    Birth 07-21-1998
    I was born in 1998. I was born in mesa. I was born at banner hospital.
  • Learned how to tie my own shoe

    Learned how to tie my own shoe
    When i was four years old I was determined to be able to tie my own shoe.I let my mom show me once then I stayed up for the rest of the night till i got it right.
  • Learned how to ride a bike

    Learned how to ride a bike
    When i was 5 years old I went with my mom and my brother to my aunts house. Her son, our cousin already knew how to ride his bike without training wheels. They showed my older brother how to that night and i wanted to learn too. So i begged and begged them to let me untill they finally gave in.
  • Moved schools

    Moved schools
    When I was in elementary school my mom was with a guy and because of him i had to move through 4 different elementary schools from 2nd to 6th grade.
  • Lost my great grandma

    Lost my great grandma
    When i was 14 I lost my great grandma. She was the first close family member or person in general that i lost.
  • Love for soccer

    Love for soccer
    When i was 14 years old i found my love for soccer. I started playing all the time.At least three times a day.
  • Knee surgury

    Knee surgury
    When i was 16 I had to get knee surgery. I was playing soccer and i tore my ACL and my MCL. Iwas in a wheel chair for about 2 weeks and on crutches for another 2 weeks after that.
  • Physical Therapy

    Physical Therapy
    I had to do physical therapy after my knee surgery. I loved how nice everyone was and how supportive they were. I decided i wanted to be a physical therapist .
  • Dropped out

    Dropped out
    When i was in 10th grade i started getting really bad anxiety. I also started to be really down all of the time. By the end of the year i hatted school.I went to school for about a week my jr year and then i dropped out.
  • First job

    First job
    I got my first job when i was 17. I worked in a preschool. I was the two year olds teacher. I learned my love for kids and expanded my wanting to become an physical therapist into wanting to become an pediatric physical therapist.
  • Westwood

    I took a day off of work to go take my ged test. I decided instead of gong to do that id come and enroll myself back into Westwood. Now here i am.