Major WW2 Battles

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  • Battle of France/Miracle of Dunkirk

    Battle of France/Miracle of Dunkirk
    Signifigance: 338,000 allied troops were saved and evacuated
    -German invasion of France
    -The allied powers were able to escape through the coast
    -The soldiers were able to escape in over 850 small private boats
    -Attacked by air and infantry
    -total of 338,226 allied troops were saved that day
    May 10, 1940-June 25, 1940
  • Battle of Britan

    Battle of Britan
    Signifigance: Saved Britan from ground invasion and being occupied by German forces.
    -Started after France fell in WW2
    -Largest sustained bombing to that date
    -Germanys objective was to get Britan to agree to a negotiated peace treaty.
    -There was a planned attack than never went through and they continued thier bombing
    -Hitler named the attack Operation sea lion to attack ambphibiously and airborne.
    Jul 10, 1940 – Oct 31, 1940
  • Battle of Liningrad

    Battle of Liningrad
    Signifigance: Showed the power and resiliance that Russia had
    -Nicknamed the 900 day seige for its length
    -Germans came from the South/West and the Finish troops came from the north to box them in
    -650,000 Russians died, most from desise and starvation
    -In 1944, the soviet offensive troops drove them back and ended the siege
    -Germany and Finnland attempted to obtain St. Peter, a major Russian City
    Sep 8, 1941 – Jan 27, 1944
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    Signifigance:Stopped the German advances into the Soviet Union and marked the war being in favor of the Allies.
    -A sucsessful soviet defence of the city Stalingrad
    -Combined military and civilian casualties of almost 2 million
    -Considered one of the most crucial engagments of WW2
    -Deadliest battle of all time
    -Hitler ordered the Greman armies to hold thier ground when they could have fought thier way out
    August 23, 1942 – February 2, 1943
  • Operation Torch

    Operation Torch
    Signifigance: The first time the British and Americans had jointly worked on an invasion plan together.
    -Invasion of French North Africa
    -The Allies planned to invade Morocco and Algeria.
    -18,500 troops were in their central task force
    -Western task force was 35,000
    -Eastern task force was 20,000
    Nov 8-Nov 10 1942
  • D-day

    Signifigance:Largest amphibious attack in history.
    -Allies invaded Normandy, Frances coast
    -they invaded durring a full moon and it gave them high tides to go further on the shore
    -loosened Germanys grip on western Europe
    -Nicknamed Project Neptune after the Roman god of water.
    -Allied forces composed of 25,000 soldiers.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Battle of the Bulge
    Signifigance:It was Germanys attempt to split the Allied armies using a blitzkrieg thrust through the Ardennes to Antwerp.
    -three German armies over a quarter-million troops attacked Ardennes to Antwerp.
    -Objective was to split the allied armies
    -Most costly battle the US ever had suffered 100,000 casualties
    -George Patton manuvered the third army to Bastogne and it proved vital to the allies sucsess
    -Neutrilized the German counteroffensive despite large casualties
    Dec 16, 1944 – Jan 25, 1945
  • Battle of Berlin

    Battle of Berlin
    Signifigance: The Battle for Berlin marked the end of World War Two in Europe.
    -Everyone in Berlin was forced to fight to fend of the Red army
    -Over 2 million artillery shells were fired into Berlin and the area around it in three weeks
    -1 million Russian infantry troops took part in the assult.
    -150,000 Germans were killed during the battle.
    -This is when Berlin surrendered to the Russians
    Apr 16, 1945 – May 2, 1945