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Battle of Stalingrad
Was the biggest offensive of WWII
Germans and her Allies fought against the Soviet Union to take control over Stalingrad in Southern Russia -
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Battle of France/ Miracle of Dunkirk
German invasion into France also know as the Fall of France -
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Battle of Britain
This was an offensive of the British Air-Force against the Nazi Air-Force "Die Luftwaffe" -
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Battle of Leningrad
German invasion into the Soviet Union
The Red Army protected some one million people -
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Operation Torch
Americans invading Northern French African teritory
This was the first involvment from the US troops in the African Theatre -
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Battle of the Bulge
The Germans launched their last major offensive against the Allied Powers in Northwestern Belgiun -
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Battle of Berlin
This was an offensive operation by the Soviet Union
This was the last offensive in the European Theater -
The day that the Allied Powers invaded Norther France in Normany