Major Technological Advances

  • Television

    The first TV with moving pictures
  • Antibiotics

    Scientist John Fleming discovers penicillin on accident
  • Nuclear Reactor

    Nuclear Reactor
    Enrico Fermi creates the first nuclear reactor
  • Computer

    First programmable computer - Collosus
  • Satellite

    Sputnik 1 is launched into orbit
  • Integrated Circuit

    Integrated Circuit
    the first integrated circuit is created by Jack Kilby
  • Laser

    Theodore Maiman creates the first laser, although he used ideas from Albert Einstein
  • First Man On The Moon

    First Man On The Moon
    Neil Armstrong is the first man on the moon in the Apollo 11 mission.
  • The Internet

    The Internet
    The first multi-node network created called ARPANET. This was the beginning of the Internet
  • Cell Phone

    Cell Phone
    Motoral created the first cell phone, and interestingly, the 1st cell phone call, also on the same phone, was to his arch enemy showing off his masterpiece
  • Windows

    The rival of Apple is created
  • Google

    everyones favorite search engine
  • Nanotechnology

    Richard Smalley of Rice University wins the nobel prize for discovering a carbon compuond
  • The Human Genome Sequenced

    The Human Genome Sequenced
    human genome finally sequenced
  • iPhone

    almost everyone has an apple product now...