
Major Revolutionary Wars

By Elise24
  • The Battle of Long Island

    The Battle of Long Island
    The Battle of Long Island took place in August of 1776, and was the first OFFICIAL battle of the revolution. The Americans were low on supplies, causing them to lose to the British, who were led by Sir William Howe. Washington's army would then suffer a chain of defeats.
  • The Battle of Trenton

    The Battle of Trenton
    On Christmas night of 1776, the British Hessians, led by Colonel Rahl, settled in New York to celebrate. Washington and his army took advantage of this, sneaking up on them and attacking. This clever ambush resulted in a US victory.
  • The Battle of Princeton

    The Battle of Princeton
    Taking place only a week or so after the Battle of Trenton, Washington ended up defeating over 1,400 British troops in Princeton, New Jersey. The British suffered another defeat.
  • The Siege of Fort Stanwix

    The Siege of Fort Stanwix
    In August, the Americans fought the British and the Iroquois Natives at Ft. Stanwix. The Americans won.
  • The Battle of Brandywine

    The Battle of Brandywine
    In September of 1777, in Philadelphia, the British attempted to siege the state. Due to the fact that the US was low on supplies and very worn down, the British succeeded and took over Philly.
  • The Battle of Germantown

    The Battle of Germantown
    Around a month after the Battle of Brandywine, George Washington decided that he wanted to attempt to drive the redcoats out of Philadelphia. He ended up failing, and the British won yet another battle.