major political and military events of 1938-1941

  • hitlers annexation of czechoslovokia

    There were 3 million german speaking people in the sudetenland in czechoslovakia. hitler wanted more lebensraum.
  • germany's anschluss with austrie

    germans invaded russia wthout any retaliation.
    after a day the union was completed.
  • the munich pact

    it was appeased by britain and france. hitler wanted sudetenland
  • germanys annexation of the sudetenland

    it was under military administration. after the began persecution of jews.
  • the nazi-soviet nonaggression pact

    nazi germany and soviet union agreed not to attack each other. they had secretly decided to divide poland.
  • germanys invasion of poland

    this was the start of world war II. relied on suprise and overwhelimng force known as blitzkrieg
  • the phony war

    there was a lack of strategy by the western allies agaisnt germany.
  • the mracle at dunkirk

    allied soldiers had evacuated the shores of dunkirk. the british refered to it as operation dynamo
  • the fall of france

    the battle had two main operations, the fall gelb and fall rot. this ended the phony war.
  • the battle of britain

    german air raid on britain, goal was to be better then the royal air force. hitler had to retreat