Major outbreaks over the years

  • Listeria by Jalisco Cheese

    Listeria by Jalisco Cheese
    Improper agricultural, health, and safety procedures were used while making the cheese.It broke out in the Los Angeles and Orange Counties killing as many as 40
  • Jewel Food Store Milk

    Jewel Food Store Milk
    It caused Salmonella that led to two deaths in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, and Wisconsin
  • Jack in the Box

    Jack in the Box
    They had a major E. Coli outbreak that covered Seattle, California, Texas, Idaho, and Nevada
  • Frozen Strawberries

    Frozen Strawberries
    Outbreaks of Hepatitis A were being reported in Calhoun County, Michigan. The strawberries came from Mexico and then were processed amd shipped from California
  • Sizzlers

    E.Coli cases were found in several Wisconsin restaraunts and even killed one 3 year old girl. The cause was cross contamination in food preparation areas
  • Pilgrim's Pride

    Pilgrim's Pride
    Their deli meat led to an outbreak of Listeriosis in Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Connecticut, Massachussetts, and Michigan
  • Chi Chis Restaurant

    Chi Chis Restaurant
    A restaurant in Monaca, Pennsylvania had green chilis that contained hepatitis A and killed four while sickening hundreds
  • Dole Baby Spinach

    Dole Baby Spinach
    The spinach hadn't been cooked which caused E.Coli and led to the death of three people and sickened around 200 in 26 states
  • Taco Bell

    Taco Bell
    E.Coli was found in lettuce that was shipped from California across five states on the East Coast which led to 8 people with Kidney failure
  • Cargill Ground Turkey

    Cargill Ground Turkey
    Salmonella broke out in 26 states which caused one death and at least 79 illnesses