The First Central Bank
Alexander Hamilton started the First Bank of the United States. -
First Bank Charter
The First Bank charter expired and congress didn't vote to renew. -
First nations savings institution
Rich, a maker of combs, received a loan in from the Oxford Provident Building Association, the nation's first savings institution. -
Gold Rush Begins
The New York Clearing Association
Established -
National Currency Act
Created the national currency such as a dollar bill. -
Massive Banking panic
One of the most severe banking panics. -
Federal Reserve
Woodrow Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act -
Open Market Operations
A large number of government securities were purchased as evidence to use Open Market Operations. They are a tool in regulation monetary policy. -
Stock Market Crashed
Congress enacted federal deposit insurance. -
Bank Holding Company Act
Prohibits bank holding companies headquartered in one state from acquiring a bank in another state unless that other state's laws authorize the acquisition. -
International Lending Supervision Act
It directs all banking regulatory agencies to ensure that all banking institutions maintain adequate capital levels -
Congress Repealed Glass-Seagull Act
The act effectively separated commercial and investment banking -
Electronic Banking Increase
The first time electronic banking out numbered paper checks.