Major Innovations of Mature Technology (Phones)

  • Bell Box Telephone

    Bell Box Telephone
    Alexander Graham Bell discovered the idea of the telephone, he works with Thomas Watson to create the first connection with a telephone.
  • Outdoor Telephone Wire

    The first permanent outdoor telephone wire is strung. The commercial of telephone service began in the US.
  • Wireless Communication Demonstration

    Oliver Lodge demonstrated wireless communication over 150 yards. This is the beginning of cell phone technology.
  • U.S. Transcontinental Telephone Line

    U.S. Transcontinental Telephone Line
    The Bell system completed the U.S. transcontinental telephone line. Everyone in the U.S. was now connected together.
  • Mobile Telephone Commercialized

    The first mobile telephone is now in service and can link moving vehicles or objects to the telephone network by the radio.
  • Transatlantic Telephone Cables

    Transatlantic Telephone Cables
    They distributed these telephone cables and now calls were able to be made over the Atlantic Ocean to European countries.
  • Videophones

    They were more practical and affordable.
  • Touch Tone Phone

    Touch Tone Phone
    The Bell System introduced the new touch phone. Instead of counting clicks for each number, the telephone made a different beep for each number. This replaced rotary phones.
  • Single Chip Microprocessor

    Intel Corporation developed the 4004. This microprocessor made telephones and switching systems smaller, lighter, and faster.
  • Cellular Telephone Demonstration

    Motorola demonstrates to the FCC. Now people can call each other without wires and the cell phone was officially born.
  • Commercial Use Telephone

    Commercial Use Telephone
    Martin Cooper was given the credit for developing the first cell phone that was approved for commercial use.
  • Rise of Fax Machines

    Rise of Fax Machines
    These machines became more popular. Now a printed sheet of paper could be sent across telephone lines and received on the other end.
  • MicroTAC/"Pocket"

    A cellular phone is introduced by Motorola that could fit in your "pocket".
  • IBM Simon

    IBM Simon
    The first ever considered smartphone! It was a mobile phone, PDA, and fax machine all in one. There was an offer for touch screen and it sold for $899.
  • Evolution of Mobile Phones

    Evolution of Mobile Phones
  • Period: to

    Mobile Phones are Evolving

    Cell phone companies are striving to make their phones faster, slimmer, lighter, and cheaper.
  • Cordless Phones

    Digital cordless phones are now introduced. The granted frequency range was 900 MHz, now it is currently 5.8 GHz.
  • "The Synergy"

    "The Synergy"
    This was an early attempt at a digital smart phone. It provided wireless access to email, internet, and faxes.
  • Blackberry 850

    Blackberry 850
    Research in Motion introduces the Blackberry 850. This started a craze for the Blackberry and ended up with a smartphone that could download apps from the Blackberry App World.
  • First iPhone

    First iPhone
    Apple launches its first ever iPhone. There was a touch screen display and the best web browsing experience ever offered on a mobile device. There is also an Apple Store for people to download apps.
  • The Droid

    The Droid
    The first Android-based smartphone is introduced. There were over 1 million units sold within the first 74 days of being released! Android's version of an app store was also available to download apps.
  • Statistics 2010-2015

    Statistics 2010-2015
  • Present Day Statistics (2011) Continued

    Present Day Statistics (2011) Continued
  • Present Day Statistics (2011)

    Present Day Statistics (2011)
  • Samsung S22

    Samsung S22
  • Samsung Z Flip 4

    Samsung Z Flip 4
  • iPhone 14

    iPhone 14
    Apples Newest iPhone to be Released on September 16th!