Period: to
Immigration Timeline
Naturalization Act of 1790
Naturalization Act of 1790 entitled "any alien, being a free white person may be admitted to become a United States citizen." -
1850 US Census
In 1850 the United States Census surveyed the citizens based on "nativity" of the citizens' national origin. This was the first census that asked origin questions, in order to document immigration. -
1875 Immigration Act
1875, United States Supreme Court declares immigration to be a matter of Federal Government. Before this act, individual states and territories were required to uphold all immigration laws and stipulations by themselves. -
Chinese Exclusion Act
The Chinese Exclusion Act was signed by congress in spring of 1882 and entailed a ten year "temporary" ban of Chinese labor immigration. -
1905-1915 Heaviest Influx of Migrants in US History
From January 1, 1905 to December 31,1914, an estimated 10-13 million immigrants entered the United States. This is by far the largest influx in any ten year span in United States history. Italy, Ireland and Germany were the primary sources of people arriving. -
World War I
A global war originating in Europe that lasted from 28 July 1914 to 11 November 1918 -
Immigration Act of 1917
This law, enacted by congress (overriding Woodrow Wilson's veto), entailed that people trying to immigrate had to pass a basic literary test to enter into the US. -
Emergency Quota Act of 1921
This law stated that once 3% of a countries total population had immigrated to the United States, no more people could immigrate from that country. -
Border Patrol Created
Congress passes a bill in which the Border Patrol is created. Their main purpose at the time was to track and monitor immigrant labor and help eliminate foreign threats to the American economy. -
World War II
A global war that lasted from 1939 to 1945, although related conflicts began earlier. -
Top 3 Countries Immigrating to US 1820-1940
Germany: 6,021,951
Italy: 4,719,223
Ireland: 4,580,557 -
Alien Registration Act of 1940
Also known as the Smith Act, this law required all new immigrants over the age of 14 to be documented with finger prints and face possible deportation. -
Top 3 Countries Immigrating to US 1941-1950
Germany: 226,578
Canada: 171,718
U.K.: 139,306 -
Top 3 Countries Immigrating to US 1951-1960
Germany: 477,765
Canada: 377,952
Mexico: 299,811 -
Hart-Celler Act of 1965
This act ended the earlier ratification of the quota systems. After signing, a huge influx of immigrants poured in from Latin America, Africa, Southeast Asia and the Caribbean. -
Top 3 Countries Immigrating to US 1961-1970
West Indies: 470,213
Mexico: 453,937
Canada: 413,310 -
Top 3 Countries Immigration 1971-1980
Korea, Vietnam, and SE Asia: 1,198,831
West Indies: 741,126
Mexico: 640,294 -
Top 3 Countries Immigrating to US 1981-1990
Korea, Vietnam and SE Asia: 2,042,025
Mexico: 1,653,250
West Indies: 892,392 -
California Proposition 187
This proposition established a state-run citizenship screening system and prohibited illegal aliens from using non-emergency health care, public education, and other services in the State of California. -
Top 3 Countries Immigrating to US 1990-96
Korea, Vietnam and SE Asia: 1,357,313