Major and Minor Events of WW1

  • Frank Woodruff Buckles helped rescue survivors of Titanic

    Frank Woodruff Buckles helped rescue survivors of Titanic
    He was on his way to France. He was riding on the Carpathia. His ship was diverted to help rescue survivors of the Titanic. He eventually ended up stationed in England.
  • Archduke Assassinated!

    Archduke Assassinated!
    Archduke Ferdinand and his wife were assassinated by a Serbian nationalist. The man that did this was named Gavrilo Princip. He was trying to release Austro-Hungarian rule over Bosnia and Herzegovina. This was the spark that lit the fires of war.
  • First Battle of the Marne

    First Battle of the Marne
    First battle between French/British troops and German invaders. German momentum was halted. That meant an end to Schlieffen plan. Both sides halted their movement and started digging trenches.
  • America enters the fray

    America enters the fray
    The US wanted to remain neutral at the beginning of the war. This was not meant to be. German U-boats sunk the Lusitania and other US boats which angered the american public. War was officially declared by Woodrow Wilson after four more ships were sunk in just one month.
  • Germans suspend U boat warfare

    Germans suspend U boat warfare
    Germany did not want America entering the war. When they heard that their U boats sinking passenger ships angered the american people, they temporarily suspended U boat warfare in the hope of keeping the US out of the war.
  • U Boats Back!

    U Boats Back!
    Germans resumed U boat warfare. They did this when they realized that stopping submarine warfare allowed US supplies to get to the British. This further angered the american public and drew the US into the war.
  • The Zimmerman Telegram

    The Zimmerman Telegram
    A telegram was intercepted by british intelligence that asked Mexico to side with Germany. The message said that in turn, Germany would give Mexico most of the American Southwest. Mexico refused by this further angered the American people and finally drove America into the war.
  • US enters the War

    US enters the War
    Congress declared that America would officially enter the war. They also declared that they would side with the allied nations. Those being France and Britain.
  • Frank Woodruff Buckles is left by the train

    Frank Woodruff Buckles is left by the train
    He was helping transport prisoners of war by train. They had stopped to refuel and he got off to stretch his legs. The train started up without him. One of the german prisoners held out a hand to help him back on the train and he rode with them the rest of the way.
  • The guard falls asleep

    The guard falls asleep
    When stationed in an American camp near Germany, he heard a story about one of the soldiers there. This man had taken a group of german prisoners out on work detail but had gotten drunk and fell asleep while on duty. The german prisoners he was guarding simply put him in the wheelbarrow and pushed him back to base when their shift was over.
  • Frank Woodruff Buckles returns from war

    Frank Woodruff Buckles returns from war
    He returned home from his two years of service on a ship called the Pocahontas. Looking back on his time in the service, he thinks it to be relatively pleasant. He was only 18 at the time. This was because he had managed to get into the army early at the age of only 15.
  • Second Battle of the Marne

    Second Battle of the Marne
    Allied troops were struggling to hold back the Central Powers armies. The german troops attempted to rush allied lines but were repelled. Allies later launched their own offensive just 3 days later. Germany, suffering from mass casualties, was forced to call off the offensive.
  • Armistice

    This was the official end to the war. Germany did feel slighted by this because they ultimately gained nothing from all of the lives they lost and these feelings would lead to WW2. The rest of the players just wanted the war to end.
  • Frank Woodruff Buckles receives his reward

    Frank Woodruff Buckles receives his reward
    He received a victory medal for his service in the war. This was a medal that all nations on the allies side awarded their veterans from WW1, Each nation designed their own medal. The same thing was done after WW2.
  • Period: to

    Paris Peace Conference

    The Paris Peace Conference was a meeting of the allied powers. This was after they had won WW1 and was held to determine the peace conditions for the central powers.