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Major Events of the Civil War

  • South Carolina Secedes

    South Carolina Secedes
    The first state to secede from the federal union was South Carolina. Abraham Lincolns win in the presidential election made South Carolina move from the Unites States. Abraham wanted to abolish slavery and South Carolina wanted the opposite. (South Carolina Secession (U.S. National Park Service).
  • Confederation formed

    Confederation formed
    Representatives from the six seceded states came together in Montgomery, Alabama. The formed a government name the confederate states of America. Jefferson Davis was elected the confederacy’s first president. It created a separate government which carried the start of the war. (Confederate States of America.)
  • Civil War Begins

    Civil War Begins
    Confederate troops fired on Fort Sumpter in South Carolina’s Charleston harbor. Union forces surrendered less than 34 hours after. This event marked the beginning of the war. (Civil War Begins.)
  • First battle of Bull Run

    First battle of Bull Run
    Near manassas junction, Virginia, the Union and confederate army battled against each other. I started from around 35,000 union troops traveling from Washington D.C to attack a confederate force of 20,000 people along a small river also known as the Bull Run. The ending of this battle made North realize that the Civil War would not be as easy to win as they had hoped. (History.com Editors.)
  • Battle of the Monitor and Merrimack

    Battle of the Monitor and Merrimack
    This battle was fought between the USS Monitor and CSS Virginia. Abraham Lincoln put into a blockade Off the Southern Coast, this act prevented Confederate trade. The confederates needed resources to break the blockade which they didn’t have. Their Secretary came up with a solution to use ships that the Union troops had destroyed, this caused conflict. The USS Monitor won the battle. (Hampton Roads.)
  • Battle of Shiloh

    Battle of Shiloh
    The battle allowed union troops to successfully forced there way through the confederate interior. The union won the battle and the confederated army was defeated along with their commander who passed during the battle.
  • Second battle of Bull Run

    Second battle of Bull Run
    It was a battle between the Union and the Confederate army. Robert E. Lee was the first to strike against the Union. He sent half of his army to raid a federal supply base located at Manassas. It eventually one by his Confederate Army. (History.com Editors.)
  • Battle of Antietam

    Battle of Antietam
    This battle is known as the deadliest one-day battle in American History. Robert Lee sent his entire army into the battle and George McLennan sent in less than a third of his. The union claimed it’s victory. This battle also helped Abraham Lincoln issue the Emancipation Proclamation. (Antietam.)
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    The Emancipation Proclamation was issued by Abraham Lincoln. The proclamation stated “that all persons held as slaves” in rebellious states “are and henceforward shall be free”. This only applied to states that seceded from the United States like South Carolina. (The Emancipation Proclamation.)
  • Gettysburg

    This battle was a turning point for the civil war. Robert E. Lee had a quest to invade the North and bring the civil war to end which was ended by Gettysburg for the second time. The Union won the battle and the Confederates loss ended their hopes of America becoming a independent Nation. (Gettysburg.)
  • Siege of Vicksburg

    Siege of Vicksburg
    This 47-day siege ended in both the Union and Confederacy having a critical win. The confederate president looked at Vicksburg as the
    “ nailhead that holds the south’s two halves together. “ President Abraham also looked at Vicks burg as a key to the end of the war. With the loss of confederate general John C. Pemberton’s army during this siege, it ended in a Union Victory. After this the Union took control of the Mississippi River and the confederate was split in half. (Vicksburg.)
  • Lincoln Elected

    Lincoln Elected
    Abraham Lincoln was elected the 16th president of the United States. South Carolina was against Lincoln becoming president. Lincoln had a goal to end slavery and the southerns were against this. They wanted to make slavery legal and because they disagreed with him, they seceded from the United States. (Abraham Lincoln Reelected.)
  • Lincoln re-elected

    Lincoln re-elected
    Both the southerns and northerns weren’t happy with some of Abraham Lincolns ideas. After Lincoln first election, the south seceded because of his goal end slavery. The northerns were upset about his emancipation proclamation. Republicans were also unhappy with Lincoln about his plan to reconstruct the south. Lincoln died around his 4 years of being president. (Abraham Lincoln Elected President.)
  • Period: to

    Reconstruction of the South

    After the Civil War they’re were many attempts to redress the differences of slavery considering it was not illegal after Lincoln assassination. Their was also many problems to solve after the 11 states that seceded before the war. The reconstruction divided the south into five military districts. They also established how the new governments were going to be.
  • Robert E. Lee surrenders

    Robert E. Lee surrenders
    Robert E. Lee surrendered his confederate troops to Union general Ulysses S. Grant. This act ended the civil war. Lee had no other option to surrender considering he abounded the capital of Virginia dew to a blockade and had been harasses by Union Calvary. Robert sent a letter to grant on April 9, saying he surrenders. The officers and men were sent home shortly after. (Robert E. Lee Surrenders.)
  • Lincoln assassination

    Lincoln assassination
    In Washington DC, Lincoln was at Fords theater. He was watching a performance by Laura Keene. During the performance Abraham Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth, a famous actor. This was just 5 days after Robert E. Lee surrendered. John managed to escape the theater and fled into southern Mary land. Many amendments were passed after his death, including to abolish slavery. (History.com Editors.)