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Major Events of the Civil War

  • Abraham Lincoln Elected

    Abraham Lincoln Elected
    Abraham Lincoln was elected the President after the union victory. (Election of 1860).
  • South Carolina Succeeds

    South Carolina Succeeds
    South Carolina was the first state secede to the Federal Union. Abraham Lincoln in the 1860 presidential election triggered the disunion across the slaveholding South. (Election of 1860.)
  • The Confederacy Formed

    The Confederacy Formed
    The Confederacy Formed because of the white supremacy and slaves were threatened by the November 1860 election of Abraham Lincoln. This caused western territories to have more slaves. The Confederacy Formed and caused a rebellion against the United States. (Confederacy.)
  • The Civil War Begins

    The Civil War Begins
    The Civil War began on April 12, 1861 on the shores of South Carolina. In the next 34 hours around 50 Confederate guns shot at the poorly supplied fort and the next day Robert Anderson surrendered the fort. In the next two days Abraham Lincoln sentenced over 75,000 volunteers to charge the Southern Insurrection. (U.S Civil War begins).
  • The First Battle of Bull Run

    The First Battle of Bull Run
    The first battle was won by Confederates. The leader of the Federals was General Irvin McDowel. The Federals were trying to take Confederate positions, but lost. (First Battle of Bull Run.)
  • Naval Battles

    Naval Battles
    The Naval Battle was fought on in Hampton Roads, Virginia. The Naval Battles were fought between Naval fleets. Which was a hostile meeting of enemies and started a battle. (Naval Battles.)
  • The Battle of Shiloh

    The Battle of Shiloh
    The Battle of Shiloh was a huge success to the Union Army. This battle started in Pittsburg Landing, Tennessee. The battle of Shiloh was led by Ulysses S. Grant's which was the army of Tennessee. (Battle of Shiloh.)
  • The Second Battle of Bull Run

    The Second Battle of Bull Run
    This battle of Bull Run which the Confederates were led by Robert E. Lee. The Confederates won this battle as well. This led the Confederates to begin Northern/Union territory campaigns. (Second Battle of Bull Run.)
  • Battle of Antietam

    Battle of Antietam
    The Battle of Antietam was a Union victory, they lost around 12,400 men in this battle. This battle was Ohioan George McClellan's greatest success during the Civil War. The Antietam was fought on Antietam Creek and that’s why its called the battle of Antietam. (Battle of Antietam.)
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    The Emancipation Proclamation is a document where Abraham Lincoln created a proclamation. This proclamation let slaved people become free from their masters. Abraham Lincoln ordered this to 10 states and they became free. (Emancipation Proclamation.)
  • Siege of Vicksburg

    Siege of Vicksburg
    The Battle of Siege of Vicksburg was a victory for the Union. It also gave the Union control of the Mississippi River in the American Civil War. At the beginning of the battle the United States had around 77,000 troops and the Confederate States had around 33,000 troops. (Siege of Vicksburg.)
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Battle of Gettysburg
    The Battle of Gettysburg was the turning point in the Civil War, costing the Union 23,000 killed, wounded, or missing in action. The Confederates suffered some 25,000 casualties. The Union's victory in the Battle of Gettysburg gave the North a major morale boost and put a definitive end to Confederate General Robert E. Lee's bold plan to invade the North. (Gettysburg.)
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    Reconstruction of the South

    The main focus of Reconstruction of the South was to bring the southern states back into full political participation in the Union. Which also was to guarantee rights to former slaves new relationships between African Americans and whites. This started and ended when the Civil War ended. (Reconstruction.)
  • Lincoln Re-elected

    Lincoln Re-elected
    While Lincoln was President this would cause a lot of problems with the war because it was in its fourth year. Northerners still weren’t happy with Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation. Five months after Lincoln’s re-election the collapse of the Confederacy was complete. (Abraham Lincoln Reelected.)
  • Robert E. Lee Surrenders

    Robert E. Lee Surrenders
    Robert E. Lee surrenders to Union General Ulysses S. Grant ending the American Civil War. The reason he surrendered was he was harassed and forced too. He had no other option. (Robert E. Lee Surrenders.)
  • The Lincoln Assassination

    The Lincoln Assassination
    Abraham Lincoln was assassinated on April 14, 1865. This was five days after Robert E. Lee surrenders heirs troops and ended the Civil War. Lincoln was killed in Ford’s Theater in Washington DC. (Abraham Lincoln's Assassination.)