Major events of the civil war

  • Robert E. Lee surrenders

    Robert surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant. He didn’t want to to cause more damage towards the south. He surrendered in Appomattox. This is what ended the civil war.
  • Lincoln Elected

    Abraham Lincoln was elected after the union victory which dominated his presidency.
  • South Carolina secedes

    On December 20th 1860 South Carolina was the first state to secede from the federal union. The outcome is that they adopted a ordinance that dissolved the connection between South Carolina and the United States of America.
  • First battle of bull run

    The people in the event where the confederate union army’s. The stuff that happened was that the union and confederate army fought manassas junction, Virginia. The outcome was that the confederate army won
  • Confederation formed

    The Confederacy was formed of seven states of the Deep South wich was Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, and Texas in January and February 1861. They wrote the Confederate Constitution that provided more state rights than the Constitution.
  • Civil war begins

    It started April 12 1861 when the confederate troops opened fire in South Carolina’s Charleston harbor on fort sumpter. A little bit after that union forces surrendered.
  • Naval battle

    The battle was in Hampton roads, Virginia. The people who where fighting in the battle were the union forces. The battle was about wooden vessels and them being better than ironclads. The outcome was that it proved that wooden vessels are better than ironclads.
  • Battle of Shiloh

    ( The people that was in this battle was the union general ulysses s. Grant and confederate general Albert Sidney Johnston. The thing that started the battle is was that the confederate army did a surprise attack on the union. This took place in Hardin county. The outcome was that the union won.
  • The second battle of bull pin

    The people that where involved in this confederate army. The thing that started the battle another time was that the confederate army won the first time. The battle was in prince William county.
  • Battle of Antietam

    The battle was taught in sapsburg, Maryland. The people who were in the battle were George B. McClellan, Clara Barton, Robert E. Lee, and more. The thing that started the battle was that the union corp made a powerful assault on the confederate. The union won the battle. (American battlefield trust)
  • Emancipation proclamation

    Abraham Lincoln wrote the emancipation proclamation on September 22nd, 1862. I said that if the states in the south didn’t end their rebellion by January 1st, 1863 that the proclamation would go into effect.
  • Siege of Vicksburg

    The event took place in warren county, Mississippi. The people that was in the battle was the union and the confederacy. The thing that stared the event was that grant failed to find a weak spot in the confederate lines. The union of full control over the Mississippi River.
  • Gettysburg

    The event took place in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. The people that were involved were the union army and the confederate army. He thing that started the battle was the confederate and union colliding. The union won.
  • Lincoln re-elected

    The people involved was Lincoln and the people that voted for his presidency. The north was overwhelmed in votes for Lincoln so he was going to get re-elected. The vote happened in Baltimore, Maryland. Lincoln became president. (
  • Lincoln’s assassination

    John Wilkes booth assassinated Lincoln in the Peterson house in Washington DC. The north grew more hatred for the south. (
  • Reconstruction of the south

    The white southerners, people who arrived from the north, and free slaves were involved. They wanted to make the south a part of the union. They were obviously in the south. The south became a part of the union