
Major Events of Spring-Summer 2019 at Hampshire College

  • The Announcement

    Hampshire College Announces that it is seeking a partner and may not take a Fall class
  • The Occupation

    Hamp RiseUP starts its occupation of the President's Office
  • The Decision

    The Trustees vote not to take a Fall 2019 class
  • The Teach-In

    Various alumns, most notably Suzanne Perkins, come to campus to offer their perspective
  • First Round Staff Layoffs

    Nine staff are laid off, including top leadership in Advancement
  • VNC (Invalidated)

    The Faculty take a vote of no confidence in various College leaders. It is invalidated for multiple reasons, procedural and technical
  • Coalition formed

    A group of faculty meeting off campus start the Coalition and their Re-Envisioning plan
  • Coalition Presents plan to Board

    The newly-formed Coalition presents their plan for the future to the Board of Trustees
  • Independence

    Everything changes. In the span of two weeks, Gaye, Kim, Mim, Krista, Gloria, several other members of the board, and several other key staff members resign. The Board votes for independence. Ken is named interim president.
  • The Occupation Ends

    HampRiseUP ends their occupation of the President's Office
  • Second Round Staff Layoffs

    Much bigger round of layoffs
  • Mary Resigns

    Our VPFA announces her resignation, leaving Eva the only member of Senior Administration still standing
  • Ed is announced as President

    Hampshire College Announces Eighth President is Edward Wingenbach