
Major Events of My Life

  • I Was Born

    I Was Born
  • Lady

    We got our dog, Lady, a Sheltie Sheep Dog.
  • First Move

    This was the first of two major moves that would happen during my life.
  • Sasha

    Our second dog was Sasha, a German Shepherd, she was abused and because of the trauma, did not like grown male adults.
  • Jack

    My dad decided to replace Sasha instead with Jack who was a Black Lab, he was a very good friend and a very loving dog.
  • First Major Vacation

    First Major Vacation
    I went to Florida and visited Disney World.
  • Second Move

    The second major move, which is the home I currently live in, we had to give away Jack as he wouldn't fit in the new home.
  • Oregon

    I finally got to visit my mother's side of the family for the first time.
  • Aikido

    I first began learning the martial art Aikido. I stuck with it for over five years which was mostly under Sensei Keith (Man in the blue gi in the image) who I considered to be the most influential teacher I've had in my life.
  • Completed Elementary School

    Completed Elementary School
    I finished elementary school and began middle school
  • Parents Got Divorced

    Parents Got Divorced
    My parents divorced each other and joint custody began.
  • Completed MIddle School

    Completed MIddle School
    I completed middle school and moved on to high school.
  • Final Aikido Class

    Final Aikido Class
    I was unable to continue taking classes.
  • Lady's Death

    Lady's Death
    I experienced my first major loss that affected me greatly. My grandfather on my mother's side had died awhile back, but I had unfortunately never got a chance to even meet him. Lady however, I knew for my entire life pracitcally and when she had to be put to sleep, I was incredibly sad.
  • Graduation

    I graduated from High School and prepared myself for college.