I was born in Plano, TX, on November 23rd, 1996. -
Got dog, Maddie
My family got Maddie when i was almsot 3. She is the first dog I can remember having. -
Sister born
My sister, Erin, was born October 14th, 1998. -
First Vacation
I went on my first vacation ever to Pagosa Springs, CO. -
Begin Preschool
I began attending preschool at Prestonwood Baptist Church August 2000. -
Begin Playing Soccer
I joined my first soccer team when I began attending Prestonwood. -
New Dog, Sophie
Begin Elementary School
I attended Haggar Elementary School. -
9/11 Terroist attacks on World Trade Center
Older Brother begins playing Hockey
My brother began playing hockey at age 7. I began attending all of his practices, games, and anything that had to deal with hockey. -
Facebook created
When facebook was established, social media usage increased substantially. -
First trip to Florida: My favorite place
My family began vacationing in Florida in July 2003. Little did I know we would visit every single year and I would fall in love with it. -
Dog Sophie die
My dog Sophie got in a car accident and died. -
New Dog: Lacey
My parents were quick to get a new dog after Sophie passed away. -
First ski trip
My first ski trip was to Keystone, CO. -
Met Bestfriend through brother's hockey
I met one of my bestfriends through my brother's hockey. Hockey Sisters for life! -
First Cell Phone
I instantly became attatched to my cell phone. My usage of electronics increased. -
Begin Middle School
I began attending middle school at Frankford Middle School in August 2008. I felt out of place until 7th grade. -
Period: to
Family Suffers economically
My family has financial struggles as a result of the economy crashing in 2008. -
Obama elected President
Joined Volleyball, Track, and Cross Country at School.
These extracurricular activites helped me form more stable friend groups. -
First Boyfriend
I had my first boyfriend for 3 months in 7th grade. -
Start High school
I began attending HS at Shepton HS.
I felt out of place, didn't make many new friends, and became depressed. -
Period: to
Become extremely focused on school/grades
Dog, Maddie, dies
I was extremely upset when she died. -
Bestfriend, Lexy, moves away
I lost one of my bestfriends when she moved to Denver, CO. -
Period: to
Suffer from eating disorder
I suffered a breif period of anorexia. I lost 15 pounds and was depressed. I recovered over the summer. -
Period: to
Improve friendship with my bestfriends
Period: to
Shepton Drill Team
I was a part of the SHS Drillteam in 10th grade, -
Lose bestfriend since 2nd grade, due to her bad choices
I no longer associate with one of my old bestfriends due to her bad choices. -
Get my license
After months of practice, I finally got my driver's license. -
Got my car!:)
After waiting for months, I finally got the exact car I wanted. :) -
BP Oil Spill- Worst in US history
Begin Senior High
I began SHS at Plano West in August 2013. I loved it! The workload is intense though. -
FUTURE-Afraid of it
I'm afraid of going to college and change in general. I never want to leave home.