Period: to
E-Mail and the monopolization of it's use
E-Mail:During e-mail's early years there wasn't really any means for the average citizen, or even the average computer owner to use e-mail, because it required access to a network. Towards the end of this time span there were options, but most if not all of them were only available to large organizations like the government and large universities. -
Invention of the Apple I by Steve Wozniak
Apple I:This prototype was developed and hand built by Steve Wozniack for the Homebrew Computer Club, located in Palo Alto, California. Steve Jobs, who was a friend of Steve Wozniak and also a member of the club, had the idea to sell the Apple I.Jobs sold his only mode of transportation, and Wozniak sold a HP-65 Calculator (worth $500) to fund the manufacture of this personal computer. -
IBM introduces first PC - Model 5150
IBM:The IBM PC 5150 was created by a team of people under the leadership of Don Estridge. One of the major selling points, other than it was an IBM, was the design of the keyboard. In previous "personal computers" the keyboard and computer came as one peice. The 5150's keyboard was designed with it's own housing which allowed users to move the keyboard into more comfortable positions. -
World Wide Web becomes available to public.
W3.org:The concept of the World Wide Web was designed, by Tim Berners-Lee, for the purpose of better and more efficient communication at CERN. The first web browser World Wide Web was developed by Berners-Lee and was also a web editor. The World Wide Web became a publicly available service on August 6th but wasn't available to the public until the 23rd. -
Yahoo! Directory Goes Online
Yahoo!:Yahoo! was originally called Jerry's Guide to the World Wide Web. Founded by Jerry Yang and David Filo, graduate students at Standford University. It was renamed to Yahoo! in March of 1994. Yahoo is an acronym for Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle, as the site was designed in a Hierarchical format as opposed to an index of web pages. -
Google was Founded!
Google was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin while they were Ph.D students at Stanford University. Their official motto is "to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful," but they have an unofficial motto stating simply "Don't be evil." Google is different from other search engines in its use of PageRank. PageRank is a system for ranking pages based on relevence as apposed to how many times the search term is located in a particular page. -
Founding of Youtube, not to be confused with utube.
Youtube:In 2013, just 8 years after Youtube's launch, it would take a single individual 1000 years to watch every video hosted on the website. Youtube was estimated in 2007 to consume as much bandwidth as the entire internet had in the year 2000. Youtube features an April Fool's joke every year starting 2008. The first was a redirect that sent all viewers to a Rick Roll, followed by turning the webage upside down. -
The First Tweet on Twitter ever Tweeted.
Tweet Tweet:Twitter, so called because "...we came across the word 'twitter', and it was just perfect. The definition was 'a short burst of inconsequential information,' and 'chirps from birds'. And that's exactly what the product was." Twitter was a unique service in that it didn't come on the market and take the place of something else. It was a new design, used for new things. At first users thought it would be just another Social Networking site but it turned out to be more about information networking. -
The Release of the First Gen Kindle!
KindleThe first generation Kindle was sold out in five and a half hours, and remained out of stock for five months. The first generation Kindle was also the only Kindle with expandable memory in the form of an SD slot. It was the first device to inlcude free 3G access to download books from the Amazon web store. -
The Launch of Instagram!
Instagram:Instagram name is derived from "instant camera" and "telegram" and began development in early 2010 as an outlet for mobile photography. Kevin Systrom and Michel Krieger were the developers and the company never rose above 13 employees before being aquired by Facebook in 2012 for $1 Billion in cash and stock. Unlike in the past Facebook allowed Instagram to run pretty much independently.