
Major Events in the History of Computing & the Internet

By noom
  • Ada Lovelace

    Ada Lovelace
    Based on Charles Babbage’s idea of the “analytic engine”, a calculating machine that would “eat it’s own tail” Ada Lovelace developed an algorithm. This algorithm, published on this date, is deemed the world’s first complex computer program. In this algorithm she was able to make the computer calculate Bernoulli numbers. Because of Lovelace's algorithm we can today develop advanced calculating machines, like computers.
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    Gustav Tauschek

    During this timespan the austrian pioneer of technology information, Gustav Tauschek, developed numerous improvements for punched card calculating machines. He has around 169 patents sold to IBM. Among them he developed the first OCR (Optical Character Recognition). A machine that can recognise text and symbols in static documents or images and translates it to its own language. He also obtained the patent for the magnetic drum storage. A device that worked as the main memory in early computers.
  • Complex Number Calculator (CNC)

    Complex Number Calculator (CNC)
    In 1937 George Stibitz made the discovery of utilising relays for automated calculation. Relays functions to regulate electrical current. The CNC was calculated to use binary mathematics to be capable of adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing complex numbers. It was first put to use in 1940.The significance of the CNC is that it demonstrated remote computing for the first time.
  • Plankalkül

    Konrad Zuse developed the first computer programming language. It was developed some time around 1942-1945 The programming used abstraction and had several functions. Among them: programs are reusable functions, only local variables, no use of GOTO etc. It was first publicly published on this date. Plankalkül also contained structures that are used in programming languages now.
  • Grace Hopper

    Grace Hopper
    Grace Hopper wrote the first computer compiler in this year. The compiler was able to translate written english commands to instructions in computer code language. This is called the A-0 system. Hopper also participated in the creation of the first all-electronic digital computer (UNIVAC) during this time. Her work set the foundation for automatic programming.
  • World Wide Web

    World Wide Web
    In 1989 Tim Berners-Lee first proposed the world wide web. On this date the World Wide Web was launched in the public domain. Initially the project was made for scientists to share information. But Berners-Lee realised the impact it could have and decided to make it publically available. The world wide web is very important for the internet since without it we wouldn’t be able to share information or contact one another as easily. I’m using the web to collect information for this project.
  • JavaScript

    Brendan Eich developed the coding language JavaScript in 10 days. It is a language developed to make the relationship between the user and the web more lively and interactive. It is used in game and app development. A majority of web users use this language in programming, it is a standard coding language.
  • Deep Blue defeats Garry Kasparov

    Deep Blue defeats Garry Kasparov
    Garry Kasparov is a Russian chess grandmaster and was bested in chess by Deep Blue, a supercomputer created by IBM. This supercomputers purpose was to be able to defeat a chess master. By defeating Kasparov, Deep Blue sparked the hope for artificial intelligence advancing. An advancement where machines can calculate and plan better than humans.