Major Events in the History of Computing & the Internet

  • The Father Of The Computer

    The Father Of The Computer
    Charles Babbage was a British Mathematician and inventor, who was credited with inventing the first automatic digital computer. His early invention was a small calculator which would calculate up to 8 decimals (1810s). He then went on to design the Difference Engine, an early calculating machine verging to be the first computer, it had a 20-decimal capacity. In the 1830s he made plans for the Analytical Engine. A forerunner of the modern computer, containing the essential ideas.
  • The First Computer Programmer

    The First Computer Programmer
    Ada Lovelace was a British mathematician and writer. She is widely known for her collaboration with Charles Babbage, Lovelace believed that the Analytical Engine had greater potential beyond arithmetic. In 1843 she published the definitive paper defining the device and illustrating the difference between the new invention and existing calculators. Later she went on to publish the first algorithm (exclusively on paper) for the Analytical Engine to compute Bernoulli numbers.
  • The Father Of Theoretical Computer Science And Artificial Intelligence

    The Father Of Theoretical Computer Science And Artificial Intelligence
    Alan Turing was an English logician and mathematician. He played a key role in the development of theoretical computer science, with machines such as the Turing machine, considered a model of computer. During March 1940 Turing and others invented the code-breaking machine called Bombe. Bombe deciphered nazi’s Enigma codes throughtout world war II. After the war he continues researching and became an AI pioneer, he also made the Turing test.
  • Douglas Engelbart

    Douglas Engelbart
    Douglas Engelbart was an American inventor and engineer. He is mostly recognized for his work and founding of the field of human computer interaction (HCI), which resulted in the creation of the world renowned first computer mouse, and networked computing. The computer mouse was created in the 1960s and was patented on November 17, 1970. He was one of the developers of the build blocks (GUI and Hypertext) of the internet.
  • Elizabeth J. Feinler

    Elizabeth J. Feinler
    Elizabeth J. Feinler is an American information scientist. In 1972 she was recruited by Douglas Engelbart to work on ARPANET as a director. During 1974 she was the principal investigator to plan and run NIC for ARPANET. During the 1980s she led the work on the Domain Name System (DNS). DNS managed the top domains for example, .mil .gov, .edu, .org and .com. She was also one of the founders of IETF (Internet engineering task force), who controls all the different open standards of the internet.
  • Bill Gates

    Bill Gates
    Bill Gates is an American entrepreneur and computer programmer who co-founded Microsoft Corporation. He started with his programming career at the age of 13 and created Traf-O-Data. With his childhood friend Paul G. Allen, he created Microsoft during his time at Harvard. Microsoft licensed an operating system, MS-DOS, to IBM. With the release of the IBM PC they used Microsoft as their OS. This led to other companies doing the same. Today almost all PCs use Microsoft as their OS.
  • Steve Wosniak

    Steve Wosniak
    Steve “Woz” Wozniak is an American electrical engineer and co-funded, with Steve Jobs, Apple Inc. In 1976 Woz and Steve invented Apple Inc. which today is the world's largest information technology company. Woz designed one of the first majorly successful mass-produced microcomputers, known as Apple II presented in 1977. 1979-1981, under the initial development of the original Apple Macintosh, Steve held a massive influence over the process. But in 1985 Steve Wozniak permanently left Apple.
  • Inventor Of The World Wide Web

    Inventor Of The World Wide Web
    Tim Berners-Lee is an English computer scientist and is often referred to as the inventor of the World Wide Web. He started out with creating the World Word Web within the scientific community (1990) and it was released to the public August 6, 1991. The first version of HTML was written by Tim in 1993. He and his team at CERN are credited with inventing the original HTTP.