Major Events in the History of Computing & the Internet

  • The world's first programmer - Ada Lovelace

    Ada Lovelace was an English mathematician born in 1815 as Augusta Ada Byron. In 1843, Ada Lovelace wrote the world's first machine algorithm for an early computer machine on paper. The notes included a pioneering formula that experts say is the first computer program in history. During her lifetime, her scientific discovery barely attracted any attention and was later rediscovered and sold at an auction in England 2018 for about 95 000 pounds.
  • The father of the computer - Charles Babbage

    Charles Babbage, born in 1791 was a famous mathematician and inventor known for creating the first automatic digital computer that could perform mathematical calculations, which he named the Difference Engine. In 1856 he designed a machine that could perform not only one mathematical task but any kind of calculation which he named the Analytical Engine. However this machine was not created and his design was forgotten until his unpublished notebooks were rediscovered in 1937 and built in 1991.
  • Pioneer of the modern computer - John Neumann

    John Neumann was born in 1903 in Budapest and moved to the United States at the age of 27. He was a computer science pioneer and made major contributions to the discovery of the use of memory in digital computers to store both sequences of instructions and data. He is credited as one of the first to see computers as devices that could be used to solve specific problems and computational solutions to nuclear problems. He is also seen as one of the best mathematicians, and pioneer of game theory.
  • Inventor of the computer mouse - Douglas Engelbart

    Douglas Engelbart was born January 30, 1925. Engelbart was an American inventor that is best known for inventing the computer mouse as well as developing other technologies in the computer world that are used to this day, including hypertext and networked computers. In 1959 Engelbart was appointed as a Director of Augmentation Research Center (ARC) where he recruited a research team that developed many features of modern computing.These were debuted in 1968 and called "The mother of all demos".
  • Creator of modern computing - Alan Turing

    Alan Turing was born June 23, 1912 in London, England. Turing was highly influential for the development of the modern algorithm and computation with the Turing machine invented in 1936, which is considered to be a model of the modern computer. He was also very important during the second world war in which he created the Bombe machine that helped to crack the "Enigma" code, which was a type of enciphering machine used by the German armed forces to send information securely.
  • Cofounder of Microsoft - Bill Gates (William Henry Gates III)

    William Henry Gates III was born on October 28, 1955 and is an entrepreneur and businessman who is famous for founding the worlds largest software business, Microsoft, together with his business partner Paul Allen. Gates and Allen met in high school where they started computing together and created a computer program in 1970 at the age of 15. In 1975 they founded Microsoft, which by 1979 was already grossing approximately $2.5 billion. Bill Gates was the world's richest man between 1995-2008.
  • Founder of Apple - Steve Wozniak

    Steve Wozniak was born in 1950 and is one of the creators of Apple Inc and designer of the first commercially successful personal computer. In 1973 he built the first design for Apple-I. In 1976 he began selling the computer and started designing Apple I-I. In 1977, the Apple I-I was revealed and sold 100 000 units in just three years. This was the first commercially successful line of personal computers, featuring a central processing unit, key board, colour graphics and floppy disk drive.
  • Inventor of World Wide Web - Tim Berners-Lee

    Tim Berners-Lee, born June 8 1955 is a British computer scientist who is famous for inventing the World Wide Web. In 1980 Berners Lee described the concept of a global system based on hypertext that would allow researchers to share information. In 1989 he published a paper which contained a system for sharing information not only within a company, but globally. He named this system the World Wide Web. Berners Lee also created the world's first web browser and website, which was launched in 1991.