Life events icons 24238497

Major events in Mrs. Bradberry's Life

  • Birth

    Mrs. Bradberry is born at Cabell Huntington hospital several weeks earlier than expected. She weight less than 5 lbs.
  • Begins School

    Begins School
    Mrs. Bradberry begins school
  • PawPaw McGraw passes away

    PawPaw McGraw passes away
    I lost my grandfather. This was the beginning of a very difficult time for me.
  • Terrorist Attacks of 9/11/2001

    Terrorist Attacks of 9/11/2001
    The day our country was attacked on our own soil. This is one of those days you never forget what you were doing when you heard the news of the attacks.
  • Begin dating Mr. Bradberry

    Begin dating Mr. Bradberry
    One this day I began officially dating Mr. Bradberry
  • Period: to

    Attended Marshall University

  • Married Mr. Bradberry

    Married Mr. Bradberry
  • Baby Boy!

    Baby Boy!
    Gave birth to Noah Marshall Bradberry
  • Baby Girl!

    Baby Girl!
    Gave birth to Sara Gayle Bradberry
  • Became a WV certified teacher

    Became a WV certified teacher