Major events

  • Steam Engine

    Steam Engine
    James Watt improves on the original steam engine, making it a viable source of power.
  • Period: to


  • American Revolution

    American Revolution
    This revolution lead to the signing of the American Decleration of Infependence.
  • American Decleration of Independence

    American Decleration of Independence
    America declared itself independent from England.
  • First Fleet

    First Fleet
    The first fleet landed in Port Jackson, signalling the start of conolisation of Australia.
  • French Revolution

    French Revolution
    The french were being pushed around by their king and were sick of it, therefore, VIVA LA REVOLUTION!
  • First Battery Invented

    First Battery Invented
    Andrew Volta invented the first battery, aiding the modern world by giving us a way to store electricity.
  • US declares war on UK

    US declares war on UK
    America decides to go to war with england over new trade laws this was branded the second war of independance.
  • Workers Smash Machinery

    Workers Smash Machinery
    Textile workers think that machines will take their jobs and smash them in retaliation.
  • First Railway

    First Railway
    George Stephenson builds the frist railway. Which adided in the transpaort of cargo.
  • Gold Rush in Australia

    Gold Rush in Australia
    Gold was found in Ballarat, enticing people to travel to Australia, which in turn made Melboune the wealthiest city in the world
  • Last shipment of convicts reaches Australia

    Last shipment of convicts reaches Australia
    Pretty much self explanetory.
  • Australian colonies form nations

    Australian colonies form nations
    Australian convict colonies form their own nations, and are now recognised as nations.
  • Wright brothers achieve flight

    Wright brothers achieve flight
    The wright brothers achieve the first ever man carrying flight, pathing the way for madern aircraft
  • First Model T

    First Model T
    Henry Ford produces his frirst Model T
  • titanic sinks

    titanic sinks
    The titanic hits an iceberg and sinks on its maiden voyage
  • Franz Ferdinand was assisinated

    Franz Ferdinand was assisinated
    The archduke of Austria was assasinated leading to the outbreak of world war I
  • World War I ends

    World War I ends
    The first world war ends with the signing of the armistice.