Major events during Bush and Obama Presidencies.

By Kaleb E
  • Hanging "Chads" in Florida

    Hanging "Chads" in Florida
    A chad is a paper that doesn't fall off when hole punching. In Florda votes were done by punching holes and majority of the voters made a mistake when putting the papers in the machine and the votes got mixed up. After a Supreme Court case Flordia had to recount all votes by hand. After some time Gore stepped down but months later it was found that Gore would have won had he of just waited.
  • Bush V Gore

    Bush V Gore
    This was a race for presidency between Bush a Republican, and Gore a Democrate. Gores lawyers demanded a recount in Florida saying that thousands of ballots remained uncounted. The Florida Supreme Court ordered all state counties to begin a hand recount. in December 12 1999 the Supreme Court demed the recount as unconstitutional and said
  • Bush/Gore Race

    Bush/Gore Race
    The closest presidency race in America's history; it was Bush(Republican) vs Gore(Democrate). Bush won presidency and was put in office January 20 2000
  • Bush Inaugurated as POTUS

    Bush Inaugurated as POTUS
    Bush becomes inaugurated as the President of the United States. POTUS stands for President of the United States. Bush gave a speech and became president.
  • Timothy McVeigh put to death

    Timothy McVeigh put to death
    Timothy Mc Veigh was on death row for conspiracy, and a lot of murder. He is one of the two people who caused the Oklahoma bombing.
  • 9-11 Terror Attacks

    9-11 Terror Attacks
    4 planes were Hi-Jacked by Al-Qaeda, 2 crashed into the world trade center, the 3rd crashed in the pentagon, and the 4th crashed in a field. No one survived the crashes, then Al-Queda's head honcho came on TV and admitted to attacking the U.S and shortly after wards America entered a war with Al-Queda.
  • Patriot Act passed

    Patriot Act passed
    It gave the government the ability to wiretap suspects, track internet communications, and seize voice mail. Athorities were also permitted to do secret searches and were allowed to obtain nationwide search warrant usable in any jurisdiction.
  • North Korea admits to testing nuclear weapons

    North Korea admits to testing nuclear weapons
    Bush reveals that North Korea has admitted to testing nuclear weapons. North Korea and Iraq were in trouble for trying to develop WMD's. WMB stands for weapons of mass destruction.
  • Hunt for Osama in Afganistan

    Hunt for Osama in Afganistan
    Osama was being hunted and charged for conspiracy, being the head of a terrorist organization. Organized 9/11 and caused a lot of deaths by doing so. Got weapons by telling the US that Russia was trying to attack.
  • Enron Scandel (Houston, Texas)

    Enron Scandel (Houston, Texas)
    Enron a succesful company at the time filed bankrupsy in 2001. soon after the US Justice Department investigates Enrons bankrupsy. After months of investigating the owner and several others were charged with securities fraud, wire fraud, mail fraud, money laundering and conspiracy.
  • Shuttle Columbia Explosion

    Shuttle Columbia Explosion
    This was a space shuttle that was on its way back from a mission when it exploded on reentry. There was 7 deaths.
  • War in Iraq begins

    War in Iraq begins
    U.S. and allies starts taking military actions againt Iraq. This is to stop terrorist acts or at least slow them down. The main goal is to lessen terrorist acts and prevent another 9/11.
  • Capture of Saddam Hunssein

    Capture of Saddam Hunssein
    Part of "Operation Red Dawn" Hussein is captured in a cellarat a farm house in Kitrit between 8:00 - 8:30. Hussein was leader of Al-Qaida until he was captured. after some time he was returned to his people and tried.
  • NATO admits countries from the former USSR

    NATO admits countries from the former USSR
    NATO goes from 19 members to 26 members after having former USSR members join. USSR was in dissaray and fell apart. USSR was no more soon after this happened.
  • Former President Reagan Dies

    Former President Reagan Dies
    Reagan dies at 93. Is buried at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, in Simi Valley, California. On November 5 1994 he announced he had Alzheimer's disease.
  • Kerry/Bush Campaign and Election

    Kerry/Bush Campaign and Election
    This was a campaign and election for Presidency. Bush wins this election.
  • SE Asian Tsunami

    SE Asian Tsunami
    Caused by slippage of the boundary between the India and Burma plates. Basically an earthquake in the ocean caused a big wave to rise. At 9.1 is the third strongest magnitude in histroy.
  • Deah of John Paul

    Deah of John Paul
    The pope died of septic shock. People were going nuts trying to find the next Pope. People were also very sad and upset that Pope Paul died.
  • Election of Pope Benedict XVI

    Election of Pope Benedict XVI
    Is elected 265 pope by 115 cardinals. A cardinal is a ordained bishop at a church. Pope Bededict is still the pope in 2018
  • Hurricane Katrina hits New Orleans

    Hurricane Katrina hits New Orleans
    Starts as a category 3 storm with winds of 127 mile per hour. Extensive damage to super bowl where more than 10,000 people took shelter from the huricane
  • Huricane Rita Hits Texas

    Huricane Rita Hits Texas
    Was a category 5 huricane hit Louisiana and Texas. Caused 12 billion dollars in damages. Is the 4th most intense huricane recorded in Atlantic Basin. Had a peak low pressure of 895 hPa. Hectopascals is a measurement of low pressure.
  • Saddam Hussein Executed

    Saddam Hussein Executed
    Is sentenced to death by hanging for Dujail massacre. The Iraqi High Tribunal upholds the death sentence by Iraqi law the execution must take place within 30 days. Hussein is hanged in Baghdad a few minutes after 6 am he is buried near Tikrit, Iraq.
  • Democrates Take Control of House and Senate

    Democrates Take Control of House and Senate
    The last time democrates the democrates controlled the house was in 1932.
  • Nancy Pelosi first female Speaker of the House

    Nancy Pelosi first female Speaker of the House
    Was the first female Speaker of the House. Starting January 4th 2007 ended January 3rd 2011. Pelosi starts a bipartisan delegation from the House on a trip through the Middle East. is re-elected with more than 70% of votes.
  • McCain and Obama campaign and race

    McCain and Obama campaign and race
    Obama Announced candidcy for presidency in Spring field Ilinois. On September 4 2008 McCain is nominated for President for the Republicans. On August 27 2008 Obama is nominated for President for the Democratic.
  • Steroids in Baseball Scandal

    Steroids in Baseball Scandal
    Some Major League Baseball players were found to have been using steroids. Some but not all MLB players like Roger Clemens, Yankee teammate Andy Pettitte, sluggers Mo Vaughn and Gary Sheffield are or were linked to steroid use.
  • First "Bailouts" begin

    First "Bailouts" begin
    Company's were being bailed out of bankrupcy by the government. The reason was to stabilize the economy and keep compitition. But there was a crisis of bailouts because a lot of company's were needing bailouts.
  • Obama first african american president

    Obama first african american president
    This is history because no other president was african american. Obama will win re-election in 2012. Obama a year later will start Obama care.
  • American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

    American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
    Gives about $100 bilion dollars to educations. Created historic opprtunity saving hundreds of thousands of jobs. Supports states and school districts, and advance reforms and improvements that will create long-lasting results.
  • Aff Care Act

    Aff Care Act
    Signs health care reform act on march 23rd in 2010. This will later be called Obama care. It is still a topic for debate 8 years later.
  • Supreme Court Appointees

    Supreme Court Appointees
    Obama appoints 2 supreme court members. One is to replace Justice Dave Souter the other is to replace Sandra Day O'Connor. Sonia Sotomayor is the first Hispanic Supreme Court Justice.
  • Operation Geronimo

    Operation Geronimo
    This operation was to assassinate Osama Bin Laden. The operation on May 6th 2011 was succesful. Information is regarding the operation was all released on November 1 2017.
  • President Barack Obama Inaguration

    President Barack Obama Inaguration
    Beat Mitt Romney for presidency. Obama won re-election in 2012. On January 20 2013 Obama was inagurated again.