Major Events Between WW1 and WW2

  • China Entertains Marxist Ideas

    China starts to adopt the communist ideas of Karl Marx.
  • Treaty of Versailles Ends WW1

    Treaty of Versailles ends WW1. The US rejects the treaty and the power it gave to the League of Nations.
  • The Nazi Party is Formed

    In the month of January, the Nazi Party is formed, with Adolf Hitler giving emotional speeches to the people to gain their favor.
  • Hitler Becomes Leader of the Nazi Party

    Hitler becomes the leader of the Nazi Party and earned the title der Fuhrer.
  • Chinese Communist Party is Founded

    The Chinese Communist Party is founded after a civil war in Shanghai.
  • Josef Stalin Becomes General Secretary of the Soviet Communist Party

  • Benito Mussolini Becomes Italy's Prime Minister

    The Facist Party takes control and appointed Benito Mussolini as the prime minister of Italy.
  • Soviet Union Forms

    Belarus, Russia, South Caucuses, and the Ukraine form the Soviet Union.
  • Beer Hall Putsch -- Nazis Fail to Overthrow German Government

    Hitler led the Nazi to overthrow the german goverment but failed.
  • Joseph Stalin Takes Over Soviet Union after Lenin's Death

  • The Soviet Union and Germany sign the Treaty of Berlin -- This allowed both countries to remain neutral if either country is attacked by another country

  • Japanese assassins kills Manchurian warload Zhang Zuolin

  • The Kellogg-Braind Pact is signed by major world powers to work towards peace

  • The Great Depression starts in the US and slowly spreads to other countries

  • Italy, Japan, the UK, and the USA agree to regulate submarine warfare and shipbuilding by signing the London Naval Treaty. Japan later renounced their agreement from this treaty.

  • The Second Sino-Japanese War begins with Japan invading Manchuria

  • US issues the Stimson Doctrine to prevent expansion of Japanese territory

  • Germany elects Paul Von Hindenburg for president.

  • The Enabling Act of 1933 approved by the German government gave Hitler unlimited power

  • Japan leaves the League of Nations due to accusations made against them about attacking Manchuria

  • Albert Einstein arrives in America as a refugee from Nazi Germany

  • Germany leaves the League of Nations

  • Poland and Germany sign the ten year German-Polish Non-Aggression Pact. This

  • Hitler recieves the Fuhrer title, making him the head of state

  • Germany violates come contents of the Treaty of Versailles by militarizing the Rhineland

  • The Axis Alliance is formed consisting of Germany, Italy and Japan

  • Marco Polo Bridge Incident is a battle between the Chinese and Japanese armies and is seen as the start of the Second Sino-Japanese War.

  • Germany annexed Austria

  • The Munich Agreement was signed by France, Italy, the UK and Germany as a way to appease Germany.

  • Germany violates the Munich Agreement and captures Czechoslovakia

  • British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain warns in a speech that Britain will fight any attempt by Germany to dominate the world.