Major European Theater Battles

By Lum28
  • Battle of France/Miracle of Dunkirk

    Battle of France/Miracle of Dunkirk
    • Ended on June 4, 1940
    • Code-named Operation Dynamo
    • "We shall fight on the beaches" speech was given
    • In total, 338,226 soldiers landed in Dunkirk, 239,555 in the Harbor, and 98,671 on the beaches
    • The RAF lost at least 42 "Spitfires". Result: Germany takes Dunkirk, but Allies successfully evacuated 338,226 soldiers.
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    • Ended on the Halloween of 1940
    • Hurricane MK I outnumbered Spitfire MK I in RAF Fighter Command by about 2:1
    • The Luftwaffe lost 1,977 aircraft
    • The RAF lost 1,087 aircraft
    • The battle of Britain was the first major battle fought entirely with air forces Results: British Succeed in defending great Britain.
  • Battle of Leningrad

    Battle of Leningrad
    • The battle ended on Jan 27, 1944
    • It is known as one of the longest sieges in history
    • Cannibalism was reported in 1941 and 1942
    • Ended in a Soviet victory
    • Multiple sufferings of muscle atrophy occurred Result: Soviet victory, Germany withdraws
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    • Ended on February 2nd, 1943
    • USSR lost 2,769 aircraft, Axis lost 900 aircraft
    • The Battle of Stalingrad is often regarded as the largest and most bloody battle in the history of warfare
    • 282,606 of the 6th Army were killed
    • Luftwaffe lost 495 aircraft, over half of the lost Axis aircraft Result: USSR victory, Loss of Germany's 6th Army
  • Operation torch

    Operation torch
    • Ended in eight days (11/16/1942
    • Allies used 116 Super-marine Spitfires
    • Axis lost 16 Submarines
    • Launched the Run for Tunis
    • India participated with the Allies Result: Allied victory: Allies occupy Morocco and Algeria
  • D-Day

    • Ended on the same day it started
    • Largest amphibious assault in history
    • Delayed one day
    • Decisive victory
    • Code-named "Operation Neptune" Result: Decisive allied victory, Allies gain control over Normandy
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Battle of the Bulge
    • Ended on January 25, 1945
    • United Kingdom, United States, France, Canada, Belgium and Luxembourg against Germany
    • ~1000 american aircraft lost, ~800 Nazi aircraft lost
    • Spread across The Ardennes
    • Allies pulled into Germany Result: Allied victory, nearing the end of WWII
  • Battle of Berlin

    Battle of Berlin
    • Ended on May
    • Hitler and his wife, Eva Braun, committed suicide
    • Decisive victory
    • Poland participated in the battle
    • 92,000-100,000 Nazis killed Result: Decisive Soviet Victory, Death of Hitler